The truth is the poster above was last put on the draft of this blog by the end of last year (29th December 2010). I visited the blog once in a while thinking to update it. As you would know, the person that I am, ambivalent always, leads to procrastination. I has been almost a year since my last update and things in my life has gone from what is complicated and perhaps at some point unstable, to routine and boring. Yeah, I am not entirely happy of my life but well, no change there, I'm bored with my life, and I live my live day to day in lethargy. I am not the same person that I once were. My best friend once told me, I used to be full of positivity and cheerful. Well I am still the cheerful person that I am, but I'm so used to wear this mask, that it's almost part of me, even deep inside my heart burns with despair. Part of the reason although not the predominant factor, is that I am in a relationship, and my other half doesn't seem to have...
Showing posts from 2011