
Showing posts from 2014

Random Rant, Update?

I don't know why. Here I am at 2.34am drinking left over "teh tarik" from today's open house at my parents. And decided all of a sudden that I wanna write something on my long abandoned blog. I have been clicking on the links that I have at the left side of my blog and it seems that most people have already abandoned their blog, by either cancelling them or not updating them.  I suppose it seems that writing a blog is no longer appealing and cool to some.  There are some that are still strong writing their rants. I am merely speculating, that now media is so easily discover-able that people are afraid to be on the accidental spotlight.  There have been few instances that blogs got discovered by their thoughts and suddenly everyone hates the writer.  And perhaps, again speculating that people are afraid to really say what is on their mind.  Naming and shaming is kindda "in" thing.  Especially with the freedom people can do with Whatsapp.  Just link ...