Random Rant, Update?

I don't know why. Here I am at 2.34am drinking left over "teh tarik" from today's open house at my parents. And decided all of a sudden that I wanna write something on my long abandoned blog.

I have been clicking on the links that I have at the left side of my blog and it seems that most people have already abandoned their blog, by either cancelling them or not updating them.  I suppose it seems that writing a blog is no longer appealing and cool to some.  There are some that are still strong writing their rants.

I am merely speculating, that now media is so easily discover-able that people are afraid to be on the accidental spotlight.  There have been few instances that blogs got discovered by their thoughts and suddenly everyone hates the writer.  And perhaps, again speculating that people are afraid to really say what is on their mind.  Naming and shaming is kindda "in" thing.  Especially with the freedom people can do with Whatsapp.  Just link it, you have audience as big and wide as the world.  Your thoughts being read, ridiculed and judged.

Scary thought.

I have no apparent reason to start writing this blog.  A lot of things have happened to me recently.  Oh by the way, to any Muslim readers who found my blog. Selamat Hari Raya AidilFitri or Eid Mubarak.  I hope everyone have a great celebration. Feel free to comment my blog as it has been a very long while since I had an audience.

Since I last updated this blog, I suppose I have grown tremendously.  I suppose it comes with age.  Sometimes reading back the blog, I found myself in a petty place.  But that's what youth is, I was naive and thank you for not judging me.  I suppose, I deserve to be naive in my youth.

I used to run a lot in my so-called youth.  And ever since 2010, my running routine has decrease to merely one or two times PER YEAR!  And as a result within three years, I gained all of my weight and more.  I lost 30kgs and now, currently I gained all of them back plus another 10kg.

Pathetic, huh?

One thing that still remains in me. Procrastination.  I have been procrastinating to run. Giving a lot of excuses. By which you are okay to judge me as even pathetic than that.

I lost motivation.  I lost passion.  That happened to me since I last wrote my blog.  I was in a poisonous three year relationship which ended up quite badly.  Poisonous, in this aspect is for both parties.  I was doing no good to both of us.  We were practically dragging each other down.  And both parties are to blamed.  It was bad.  However, as the saying goes, "Some people are there to carry you, and some are to teach you a lesson in life".  It was a great big lesson for me.

I have no updates for you guys in my life.  I am just living day by day, just living as it comes.  Go with the flow.  Work is wonderful at the moment.  I am in a better place now. Well, in  a way, the same place.  But after a sharp dive to hell in my work life, now I am back up, where I started.  But still, I would say, I am in a better place now.

So anyway, there is my rant.  And I am hoping that I will update this blog more often.  So, I guess... Until then...

p/s: Please leave me a comment to let me know that some of you are reading it.  It could be a motivation for me to write more! ha ha...


Anonymous said…
Welcome back Kellaz. I can understand when you talked about past posts or journals. It shows how far you've come and the journey continues. Hope you will continue to post your journey here (No pressure..just encouragement! haha!
Anonymous said…
Hi. Keep on writing.

I used to write too.. I think i have my link in your list! Used to write emo rants as a way to vent when things dont appear kind.

Indeed things have changed a lot for past few years. We grow up. :) hope things are doing well at ur side too.

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