Happy Birthday to Me

Happy Birthday to Me
Warning: This will be a long read. There are a lot of things in my mind which I wanted to express.
Today is my birthday, and now I am three decades old. Time has travelled so fast in front of my eyes. And today, I look back my life and reflect my past. And will also discuss my years to come, insyaallah.
First and Foremost, on the eve of my birthday was the Sixty Second DJ competition which ran align with the best 914. Best 914 is a singing contest where the contestants are selected from a radio show which they called in and sang with a minus one song. And now, yesterday they sang really really well and they sounded like professional singers. It's amazing that they are just singers who just sang along in the radio, for some they have been into a few singing contest.
Then it was our turn. I was the fifth contestant, to go and face the crowd. It was nerve wreaking looking at what looks like about a thousand people watching you. I did what I can, and I did it with my very best effort. I didn't have winning in mind. I was more towards proving and showing what I have to my mentor as I have said on air previously during an interview. My mentor, DJ Aliff has done a lot, and has given all of his efforts to help me and Ralizan a.k.a 'Q'. DJ Zaty also helped us, and giving us a lot of advice and tips to help shake our nerves, and mentoring us together in a group. 'Q' proved his worth by getting the third place. Whilst I got the fifth place. I think five is my lucky number for this year. Fifth contestant and got fifth place. But for me, making Aliff proud, making myself of worth to be a DJ, spending time with them all, is the best birthday gift that I have ever had. Eventhough I am alone in celebrating my birthday, without my family or a loved one. But their presences in my life, I'm not lonely. Thanks everybody for being my new found friends. For many things ahead of all of us…
So how does it feel to be thirty, you might wonder. It feels great, but ancient at the same time. I suppose it is time for me to grow up. I feel no different yesterday, besides age is just a number. What matters is what I feel right now, and how will I continue to enjoy life as I can. One SMS message that I got in my birthday wish, is about reminding me life is too short to be unhappy. Well, l agree, but disagree at the same time. Seriously, life is the longest journey I have ever endure, so there's so many time you can be happy or unhappy. But I agree that life is too precious to spend it unhappily. Another text message that I receive today was when my friend welcomed me to the 30's club. I asked him if there is any free gift from the club. He replied, wisdom and experience. He was dead on right. It's true, I have been through a lot that now, I have enough wisdom and experience to chose how I live my life.
I want to thank you all of the guys who sang and celebrated my birthday right on the stroke of midnight at Wywy Restaurant in Tutong. Thank you for coming and at least I was not feeling lonely on my birthday. Actually birthday isn't a big deal to me. I don't really care if I celebrate it or not. But since I don't want to be alone and lonely at the same time, so I just want to get together for it. It was great. Sometimes I thought if anyone was thinking if I am just looking for attention. But no, I just want to have something rather than nothing. But that is negative thinking which I want to avoid.
Oh yes, by the way, congratulations to Izzat for winning the 60 seconds DJ competition. I told him from the very first day we met that I envy his voice and his script, and I believe that he will win and told him that . Actually, I really wanted him to win. If it was up to me, I'd make him the winner from day one. He only lacks self confidence and usually beats himself up for making mistakes. But he did wonderfully that night. And the look at his face that night after winning, was priceless, he had tears in his eyes, because he was still in disbelieve. I had all my confidence on him. I knew he will win. It was only a matter of time. He just need to believe his instincts and believe in himself. He's a kind and funny even if he didn't meant to be funny. Anyone and everyone should know him, he has a lot going on for him, if he only see it and believe it.
Thanks to 'Q' for keeping me company and giving me confidence and being a friend. Thanks to DJ Zaty for all the advice and helping us achieve our best. Since Izzat was your protégé, congratulations to you too. To DJ Aliff, thanks for everything, sparing your time, your hardwork for us to make the way we are now. It is a priceless gift that you have given and poured to us. In a way, it's is a priceless gift one has given to me for my birthday. Oh also, thanks for the light for my birthday gift, I love it. It's what I need actually… "Save jua duit ku…" Hahaha… Zaty, thanks you too for your gift, it's a candle holder, so everytime I light it, in a way, you shine my heart too. Thanks…
Exiting my twenties, now, despite everything that has happened to me these few weeks, now reflecting back, I can feel good things on my way. This birthday is the best birthday I have ever had. Because, their gift to me is supremely priceless. This past few weeks, I have shared my life with many new people, and with my heart breaking break up and my accident. I have never been down that bad. I didn't show it, to anyone, but it felt really bad. But knowing these special people, who have coloured my life recently, it makes my life much more precious everyday. And in fact to me, these few weeks is the best birthday gift I have ever had. I feel like hugging them all. Now I sound pathetic and desperate. Haha… But seriously, without them realising it, they mean a lot to me. Actually, they saved my life, and my soul, with them knowing.
So what was today's iternary? Well, after my birthday celebration, I went alone to De Fountain, I was still on a high of the night. I knew I couldn't sleep. Then a friend which I have never met, texted me up on MSN and we met up. Yup another new friend gained. We talked and talked until 4am. We then retreated to our own dwellings half past 4. Woke up at 8am and 12pm. Went for a soto lunch with my housemates, at the famous Soto Tini at Jalan Bedil, Lambak. We ran a few errands, stopping at a few places and then came back home. And here I am lying on my stomach on the floor of the living room half typing and watching TV3 on my housemate's new flat screen TV. It's looks amazing…
Here are a few pictures from the rehearsal and the day…

DJ Didie, DJ Rian and Me at the rehearsal

Naza, 60sec DJ Contestant (Mentor DJ Zura), DJ Zaty and Dj Aliff - Post Rehearsal

'Q' wants in the shot… Aliff looking stiff… Zaty always adorable… Grrr… Haha

Izzat 60 sec DJ winner, with his winning smile and me… Yes, I need a shave… (Post Rehearsal)

Me, with Didie stuffing his face, you've gotta love a man with a good appetite and Rian at the end always with a smile…

Izzat, Me and Wafi, a contestant in the Best 914, he sang "Ketahuan – Matta Band"

Izzat in action during the competition… You should have been there, with a great script. A natural comedian!

Izwan a.k.a 'Q' with his third place trophy, our awesome Mentor, Aliff and the last guy on top five winner, me!
(Two of the Top Five Winners)

DJ Rian wants a silly shot. So there we were… Silly as can be! Haha!
You can find more pictures of me and others at Zayn's blog or Zayn's Multiply and Zura's blog.


Anonymous said…
hello my big broo... hehe... first of all tahniah coz u did well.. honestly aku puas dan puas dan puas... nda ku malu jadi mentor kamu.. keke.. walaupun hakikatnya aku putus asa kajap atu.. n down jua.. p i try to make u n q d bomb on dat nyt.. huhu... happy 30th bufday;) remember to be a dj o wat so eva is so not abc... u are perfect d way god made u... so jan rusakkan walau sdikit.. usaha n usaha apa sj.. ok.. rindu ku kan mendangar kamu membaca skrip kamu.. haha... nnti2 g tani hangout.. apa yang kurang minta maaf banyak2 ah.. hehe.. ku harap aku belaku adil dengan dua protege ku yang ku bangga2 kan ani... dan akan sntiasa ku jadikan contoh utk protege2 ku masa akan dtg.. haha... last minit practice.. but dua2 nya top 5.. muahahahaha.. atu yang aku nda tdur malam tu mikirkan.. antah yang penting aku majal mbgtau aku puas.. n aku nda malu ada protege yang kononnya pemalu p sama jua gila2 nya... best of luck brooo.. n last word... everybody is a winner.. u, me n q.. ryt??? - aliff-
Anonymous said…
n yeah about d lite.. hehe.. tu bufday gift merangkap hadiah nda seberapa atas usaha kamu... siuk bh jadi cigu ani... so kononnya umpama cahaya la tu kalau kamu kegelapan... aku la tu cahaya nya.. haha.. anything juz txt me broo.. plz do keep in touch.. k n muka silly atu muka paling parah c q perasahanku.. mcm botox nya telakap bah.. well hey hey hey aku nampak comel jua masih.. mun nda setuju aku atu comel.. ya terserah... haha... perlu di ingat~~~ mentor n protege.... MNEJUNGKAT... muahahaha... i miss everything;) - aliff-
Anonymous said…
Thanks banyak2 for everything Liff, maaf kan ku ah, because inda practise dari awal, kalau practise awal, dua2 top 3 tu... Haha... Kalau rindu kami membaca skrip, telipon saja kami, kami membacakan... Aku hargai semua yang telah diturunkan arah c Q and me.

Yeah, I will definitely keep in touch.. Asal kana layan... haha.. And as for light, you're not far off, banar tu, you don't know how much it means to me... Memang aku dalam kegelapan. You and Q have changed my life in a way. (Wah mendalam bunyinya)... Tapi yang banar lah, kamu buat aku happy bila aku dalam keadaan berduka banar... (walaupun aku inda menujukkan)... So kamu menujukkan alternatif lain selain dari berduka... Perlu di ingat, lapas ani, jangan jauh diri, nanti SUNYI LAGI~~~ betul.. betul saya cakap... hahaha...

Keep in touch adik-adik yang ku sayangi...
Anonymous said…
By the way, Liff, I dedicate my trophy to you... I am what I am, because of your hard work...

By the way, majalah mu masih arah ku... oppss... :P haha..
Anonymous said…
wawawa... so sweet keke... majalah atu its ok... kalau buink2.. mana tau kan onk2 dlm jamban nada kan di baca... simbat ja majalah atu.. simpan cia bro majalah atu... dari sana la tercipta nya skrip... so basar jasa nya tu mag ah.. hehe...
Anonymous said…
Hahaha.. Membari menjungkat membaca komen biskita ah.. Hahahaha.. Aku pun puas sebenarnya malam atu.. Thanks to both of you bro, Aliff and Kellaz.. Terima kasih banyak-banyak ku ucapkan arah kita berdua.. Syukur alhamdulillah.. Syukur ku kerana aku terpilih sebagai Top 10 DJ 60 Saat.. Banyak pengalaman baru, kawan baru, kenalan baru, baru yang baru (Hehehe..) aku perolehi.. Syukur alhamdulillah.. Tangis syukur ala-ala lagu Nurul.. ;).. Well, Hey Hey Hey~.. Opps, silap.. Well, terima kasih juga pada semua.. Ka Zaty banyak tolong jua.. Walaupun Ka Zaty bukan tani punya Mentor, tapi Ka Zaty banyak tolong tani.. (Aku tau Ka Zaty baca blog kita ani jua..).. Terima kasih jua pada DJ-DJ Pelangi FM yang lain, Addy, Diddy, Ryan, etc.. Inda ku tau macam mana kan ucap terima kasih lagi banarnya.. Betul, betul saya cakap.. Yang penting, terima kasih banyak-banyak buat semua yang terlibat dalam hidup ku.. Thanks.. ;).. To DJ Aliff, awu, kalau kita rindu kami kan baca skrip kami dapan kita, video call saja kami ani.. Kami membaca skrip kami dapan kita.. Hahahaha.. Rindu ku jua saat-saat manis di Pelangi FM ah.. Ani boring dah ku.. Inda banyak bercakap-cakap pasal aku selalu dalam bilik ku seorang-seorang.. Baik jua ada internet.. Ada jua kan ku buat sikit.. Hehehe.. Jangan kamu kan tinggalkan aku.. Bawa jua aku bercerita.. Please update aku selalu.. ;).. Q'
Anonymous said…
60 Saat Dari Sekarang!!

Assalammualaikum dan selamat malam.. Sekarang awda bersama Pelangi FM dan saya Izwan..

Fesyen.. Fesyen.. Fesyen..

Awda mahukan fesyen seperti Zaty?? Zaty lagi~..

Atau mahukan fesyen rambut seperti ayam serama?? Wow!! Menjungkat~..

Apa ada dengan fesyen?? Ialahkan, Izwan sendiri memang suka berfesyen.. Tapi, mengapa orang suka berfesyen??

Fesyen selalunya sinonim dengan glamor, kecantikan dan style.. Owh, ada ada ada.. Apa yang ada?? Ada sudah sedikit ciri-ciri itu dalam diri ku.. Bagus, bagus.. Aku bangga..

Sekarang kita lihat pada evolusi fesyen.. Kalau dulu kan, dalam tahun 60an, seluar ketat menjadi kegilaan jejaka idaman, tapi kini, seluar yang kan telondeh jadi kegilaan ramai..

Betul.. Betul saya cakap..

Kalau dulu, dalam tahun 70an, rambut seperti sarang tebuan menjadi pilihan, tapi sekarang, awda tengok lah sendiri, botak seperti Kellaz juga jadi ikutan..

Ah!!! Usah di ungkit lagi Izwan..

Yang penting, aku bukan mangsa fesyen!!

Hidup Pelangi FM!!


P/s: Alhamdulillah.. Semua yang patut aku buat, aku buat pada malam atu.. Syukur alhamdulillah.. ;).. Love you all.. Q'
Anonymous said…
Assalamualaikum..Slm Rindu slm syg..ehee..mcm buat email jua ah atau bwt srt saman!!haha btw Bahrin, terima kasih tak terkata atas skrip2mu yg menjungkat utk ku n izat..esp bila ko nampak aura izat since 1st met ma ia..tq!!aku terharu!sampai menangizzzzzzz..boleh..ku menangiz baca diz blog..ko memang pppewitt..happy jua tuk kenal kamu2 n sorry aku selalu bkunyanyang non stop sama kamu..miss saat2 indah itu!!

Anonymous said…
brooo haha.. tau apa.. banar tu c zaty menangis bah... p aku ketawa lakak2.. kan tepelanting gnya nda jantung ku menahan ketawa... sanak bah parut ku... cali banar babu kitani atu ahh.. haha... juz imagine dlm nya menangis atu, ia blh join sekaki aku ktawa.. palau jua tue.. haha... n tau apa broo.. dlm masa terdekat ani kan.. aku kana suruh mengajar kanak2 bawah 12tahun lagi.. pebelasan org g tue... bemara ehhh... aku jd mentor dorang.. huh... b4 27 mac ku dgr.. hehe.. kamu dua org udah gauk.. ni tah kan kanak2 bawah 12 tahun ah.. p nda pa i try... u n q semangat ku.. haha.. mau2 jua.. lalalalalalala... - aliff-
Anonymous said…
Ha-ha, teruk eh, org menangis/ketawa tapi kau ketawakan... Tapi ketawa jua ku memikirkan, nasib baik inda keluar ketawa/tangisan babi... atu lagi pacah... ketawa inda bebunyi lagi tu karang... parut ganya guncang2... hahaha...

Awal jua kau mendevelop DJ baru? Dari bawah umur 12... Gerenti udah dorang basar, habis semua station durang serang... Biasalah kan, kau mentor handal... Kan Q'! Kan Q' kan? haha...

Kalau mau kami jadi assistant mentor... u know our numbers hahaha...
Anonymous said…
Salam.. (Aku lagak alim di sini.. Hehehehe.. ;p..)

Aku quote.. "Awal jua kau mendevelop DJ baru? Dari bawah umur 12... Gerenti udah dorang basar, habis semua station durang serang... Biasalah kan, kau mentor handal... Kan Q'! Kan Q' kan? haha..."

Unquote.. Yeah.. Lurus tu Kellaz.. Siapa inda kanal mentor tani atu kan.. Aliff handal tahap gaban kali ah.. Ka Zaty pun handal jua.. Handal tahap spiderwoman.. :).. Mau tah jua.. Hehehe.. Yang banar tu, Aliff & Zaty memang mentor yang handal, ambil berat kan protege-protegenya, didik si kasi (berdedikasi), etc.. Btw, lama ku inda masuk blog kita ani.. Sekalinya ani aku masuk blog kita.. Aku baca bebalik pasal DJ 60 Saat ah.. Rindu ku semua kenangan atu.. Macam mimpi rasanya.. Cuba tampar dih pipi ku yang cumil ani.. Hahahaa.. ;p.. Mahal kali ah botox yang ku pakai ani.. Hahaha..

Kalau ada apa-apa, jangan tah kan malu-malu contact aku nah.. Pemalu kunun.. (Aku sindir diri ku sendiri..) Hahahaha.. Q'

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