Many Updates

There are many things to update, but I'll just update you on just the essentials.

I have been offshore on Monday. That was a tiring trip. I started my day as normal, and just when I was about to reach KB which is more than an hour drive from home, I received a phone call from my colleague announcing that he couldn't make it for his crew change because he was not feeling well. If you had been an avid reader, I am a relief for my colleague. So I called my supervisor, and he told me that my flight offshore will be at 4 freaking afternoon, so I had to made my way back home again to pack my stuff, bear in mind, home is another hour trip back.

To add salt to the injury, apparently there were an accident involving six cars, and I had to use a long way round to get home. I packed my stuff only to realize that most of my undergarments and shorts are still at the laundry, I had to run around like a headless chicken. I didn't even had time to have breakfast, fortunately, when I got back to the office at 2pm, my colleague from the office offers his company, because he was hungry as well. I had breakfast/lunch at 2pm and by 3pm I was at my brother to pick him up, as he is my designated driver to Anduki Airport.

As we were driving to Anduki, we saw a lot of cars making a U-turn. Road was freaking closed, and I was already late!!! So I had to make a U-turn as well and use the bypass road to get to Anduki, and when we got to the junction to Anduki, that road was also closed, and we spent about two minutes trying to convince the policeman to let us through!! I screamed from the car "how am I suppose to catch my flight and go to work!!", then acknowledging that I am in a hurry, he let us through.

It didn't end there... When I got to check in for my flight, and I was very late, my name was not registered!! I told my brother, "fxck it, I'm going to the the briefing room!" He told me to go ahead. And in the end, somehow, it was fixed and half an hour later after I was already on our way to CP07. All that mad rush all on Monday. Talk about going through a bad day eh?

Yesterday went smoothly but only today, a lot of problems, my men lost their bed, we had to cut down our resources to make way 'important' people by giving up more of our beds, our scope are all urgent and we're out of men. Everything is ad hoc! Ad hoc! But now, it's 6pm and I'm out. I'm turning my 'working' brains off. And all I care, is that I'm going back home tomorrow morning. Hopefully it will be in the morning, because for the past few days, there have been a lot of delays due to the thick haze. This haze, good god, I hope it ends soon. The haze is even thicker here offshore in the morning. I had a migraine because the odor of the smoke was too much for me this morning.

As for my love life, it's going really really well. It's good. It's nice to have someone by your side. By my side again. It's going unexpectedly well. I might not be head over heels, but I guess, a floating on air, well, just a little.

Other than that... workload is going to increase tremendously in a few weeks time, and the challenge is that workload will be during Ramadhan (fasting) month. We'll see how it goes... Oh I've got to go have dinner and I've got not time to spell or grammar check.. Until then...


mirda.ahmad said…
sounds exciting though...

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