Quiet Blog

This blog has turned a little quiet, and I guess, I'm losing my readers. I do apologise for this...

The honest truth is that, I'm trying as much not to write or repeat the same thing with my previous relationships and consequently making a fool of myself by saying one thing but doing the opposite. Oh yes, I do realise that, I'm not that ignorant. Sometimes, we couldn't follow through what we want in life, things just change so rapidly. I'd hate to shot my own foot my writing with my thoughts that was right at that point in time. Yes, those were just that, the right thoughts or the right frame of mind at that point in time. Not long after those things been said, I did the exact opposite. For example, I'm dating and now in a relationship. Relationship after I said I didn't want any.

Ironic seems to be my middle name. Then again, one may have forgotten how ambivalent I can be. I recognise that I have a problem, which is my inability to say "No". I use my instinct and my heart most of the time to make the choices in life which in the latter days making me eat my own words. And if I may delve aside as to my relationship at the moment is going up and down, I guess, we're at a point where we're trying to get used to each other, we often argue nowadays and we make up after that, which is always nice. I guess the 'honeymoon period' is over and now, we're trying to share each other's life.

Sharing. That's the whole point of any relationship. The ability to share, that's something quite vague on my other half's side. Mystery or secretive about it, I don't know, then again, I'm not persistent on wanting to know as well, I guess, at this point in time, I'm just following the flow, but I don't know how long I can wait. But I guess, the time will come, when it comes.

I've been thinking a lot about my weight and fitness, the on-going hazy condition is not helping, especially the place where I am staying, living quite close to the forest fires. Sometimes the smoke and ashes reaches room as I sleep with the outer door open, recently it remain closed. The smell is just overbearing, I couldn't stand it, it induces my migraines. Billy, my best friend and I recently visited the gym that he goes to, I'm thinking if I should take the annual or six monthly membership. I've been ignoring and slacking off my fitness regime, especially now that I am in a relationship. I don't know why but if I had to chose to spend time in the gym than time with my other half, the latter always wins.

There's nothing much to say actually, but that I am offshore again as planned. Today's journey was long and tiring. There are times when actually flying abroad is much easier than flying offshore, the process is just too lengthy. In a way, it's just all hurry to wait in the end. Wait, wait, wait. It's just so counter productive if you ask me, but then again procedures are procedures, and we have to follow strict protocols. I'm whining I know. So anyway, now that I am here, the work progress doesn't look good. There's just too much work but lackresources, my construction supervisor, is staying on a rig, and won't make it back early tomorrow morning thus everybody will be idling for the second day.

Anyway, enough ranting about work, but I have been wondering, how are my readers really? Keep me updated... Until then...


M Ahmad said…
Hang on whatever makes you happy at the moment and work is just work, right? and life goes on. Best of luck in everything you do and an advance "selamat menyambut Ramadhan" to you, ok ;) - and (as u said before) what works for, will work for you!!

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