Drivers of Brunei! Idiots!

Yes, that sounds harsh doesn't it? Reality is usually harsh to us, most of the time. Writing this post, I shall not exclude myself. This speaks of and from experience and observation as a whole.

Generally, Bruneians are idiot drivers and should I add, idiot parkers too. Why do I generalise this? Purely because Bruneians are proud beings. Proud not in this sense of what they have achieved or contribute, but because of what they own and have. Their belongings. Brunei is a country of showoffs. Everybody lives everyday thinking what others have, what others don't have or what do they want to have. At some point, what they don't want others to have.

So all of that, can be applied on our Bruneian roads. Cars with huge, are-you-out-of-your-bleeping-mind boom box, it's a bleeping mobile club! Stack it with alcoholic drinks, it's a bar too! Digressing again... So anyway, Bruneians, proud, so on the road, proud behaviours is interpreted as arrogance on the roads. Aah, a word very familiar to our ears.

Arrogant. This road is mine, all mine, I'm driving here, can't you see, these path of road I'm driving on is mine. YOU HEAR ME! MINE! You want me to give way?! Why? Didn't you hear, didn't you see, this is my path, my way, it's mine, it's mine. No, why don't you slow down. See, I'm ahead, I'm in front, so it's my way. So why should I give way? Don't give me the rules and regulation! It's my way. Jalan ku bah ni!

This ia a typical mindset. Actually, it's even a typical mindset (reflection) of myself.

Arrogant is directly proportional to the hierarchy of brands. The more expensive your vehicle is, the more right of way you get. Sometimes it also depends on the performance or rarity of the vehicle itself. The slower you are or the commoner your vehicle is, the lower priority you will get. These things are never spoken of, never mention, it's somehow, accepted. It's taboo to talk about it. It is like encouraging a muslim population to wear condom when having casual sex. It's ignorance at it's best.

You mean everybody doesn't get an equal right of way on Bruneian roads? No. Well, maybe, depends what is your car. Lexus? No? A Porsche? BMW? Okey, hmmm a Subaru STI perhaps? No? Is it a Japanese or Continental? Oh, a Dihatsu Charade.... oh no, you're way down there mate...

Perhaps, this post is a little harsher than reality. But like I said, no one speaks of this. No one talks like this. It's taboo. Why is it taboo then? Because Bruneian culture are so beautiful, so well-mannered, we don't speak about other peoples' disability or lack of, simply put, the lower classes. It's just impolite to talk about them. Inda bisai, nya kitani...

But fear not! Lower classes people still afford Beemers, Mercs, Porsche, Lexus! Have you forgotten, Bruneians, proud, showoffs. What do we care? This is Brunei. Abode of Peace. Abode of Credit Cards. Abode of Loans. Well, even I get measly, but I can pay, forever. So I don't see a problem. I just add on to my loans, add on my credit card. So I don't look poor. I have a Lexus, you see...

Sad isn't it? Well, it's the reality that no one speaks of. I don't need to type out anything else to counteract or to solve this spiraling problem. It all lies in our own conscience to know what is the logic behind it, why there are rules, when to apply it, who should use it and how to use it.

I hope this will be an insight and reflection of everybody who reads it. That includes myself.

Until then, adeus.


Anonymous said…
Marah jua boi.
Anonymous said…
Inda ku marah eh! (I'm not mad)

It's just something for us readers to contemplate for a bit. And think about. Does it reflect you?

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