First Step

This is my first attempt and my first step to be the Journalist that I want to be. This is the forth blog that I have made for myself, others, shall be, shall I say personal. But this one, is something I would like everybody to know about and read "allll about it!"

Let me introduce myself. I am Kellaz, an alias for now, late twenties and working in a normal desk job, although my job sometimes require to be away from my desk and work what normal engineers should do. Yes, an engineer I am. So that's for it for now, besides any ambiguity is good for your mental being, correct.

In this blog, you will find me talking more of ranting though, of the ups and downs of Bruneians, Brunei, and the whole being of being a Bruneian. I am a pro-Bruneian national. I am a proud to be a Bruneian, although the reason behind it is a little vague. Nevertheless, proud to be who I am and the country that has brought me up (besides my parents, that is!)

I won't talk much about Brunei and the history of it, you can seek that off google and what-have-you-not search engines. But more of, current issues, current news and personal opinions about this abode of peace, as they call it. Thus spelling this out in the beginning, it shall not be a method to brainwash or initate a cult of any kind whatsoever. It is purely the mind speaking it's words... Perhaps some emotional exertion of some kind. (with regards to the issue, that is)

Once in a while there will be some crazy rant, of no whatsoever related to Brunei, or my personal opinions of it. Just being random.

About myself, I'm just a guy, simple guy, living my life a day at the time, with an eye for a better future, for myself, for my country, for my fellow citizens and eventually the WORLD! (followed by an evil laughter, just kidding)

Until then... Adios Amigos...


Anonymous said…
It is admirable that you do want to become a journalist, and good luck on your journey towards your dream...

However, here's a few tips..
Practice your future craft. Be meticulous about everything you write. I'm not kidding. When you post on this blog, read what you've written, and correct as necessary, making sure that you have no spelling mistakes, syntax, or words that have been left out.

Read voraciously. Read everything, advance your vocabulary, and try and put into practice as many newly learned words as possible. You will be all the better for it. If you don't know what a word means, look it up. From now on, dictionaries and thesaurus' are your best friends.

Pick up books on grammar and proper English and read them from cover to cover.

The greatness of any writer, journalist or wordsmith comes from an understanding of the usage of language. Good luck.

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