
THE KING OF POP is dead. Bla bla bla... If I am to drop dead right now, does anyone give a damn? Simple no is the answer... I admit I am a very cynical man.

Coincidentally, I was thinking about death recently when I was playing with my mobile phone, I was looking at the days of my birthday for the next twenty years, but my fingers went on and on until the last available date on my phone which is 31st December 2069, and I thought to myself, good god, I should be dead by then...

2069, I would be 91 years old... very very scary. If I am not dead at that point in time, I would be suffering from severe dementia and be wearing diapers. Hopefully, I'll still look good, LOL. But I'm pretty much sure, I'll be dead by then. And if I had a choice to live forever, I'll pass on that offer. Living is hard. And resting in peace sounds like a pretty much a good idea.

As a muslim, of course, death should not be taken lightly. There are a lot of prerequisites before death, and I must admit, I'm pretty thin on those prerequisites. Death is always a morbid topic. It's just depressing, so that is why the death of someone is always about the celebration of their life. That's us, being in denial, thinking death can happen to anyone anytime except us. But in a way, it is beneficial to remember someone for their contributions towards each other. Say if I am to die now, I'd like to be remember as that silly man with a mole on his face that talks rubbish all the time, and funny, sometimes. I'd be okay with that. And I would love people to remember how much I suck at living my life and how ambivalent I am. And I would appreciate if people who have known me, to not be me and learn from my idiotic mistakes. I am the king of fools. Yes.

I'm not so much proud of myself, I haven't been contributing much to others, let alone to the people I love. And if I die now, I'm very confident, I'm not going to heaven. In another aspect, all I'm saying is I'm not ready to die yet. I have a lot of things going on for me (and things need doing). But well, it's not up to me, is it? Ces't la vie. That's the way the cookie crumbles.

Depressing, isn't it? Should I stop? I think I should. So anyway, enjoy life is all I have to say, unlimited enjoyment I would urge. Sometimes the best thing to do, is to know you've fallen flat on your face first. Don't listen to me... I'm an idiot. Until then...


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