Brain Block Blog

There are so many things that I wanted to write in my blog this time, but as soon as I signed. My mind refuse to budge. I am thinking, what did I log in here for?

So anyway, I decided to click other links with the intention to snoop at what's new on other threads by our Bruneian bloggers at Simpur's Blogging Nation where I am also listed as an 'occupant'. Some of the bloggers are people that I know of. And "Dear Reader, if you're not Bruneian, well, here in Brunei we more or less know nearly everyone, let's just say with the population of Brunei in relation to Six Degrees of Separation, is more like... may be 2 or 3 Degrees of Separation and you're well connected!"

In fact some of them who I only and only know of, I felt like some kind of perv, that I am reading their life stories. Okay writing them all down for all to read about is hardly peeping or pervious (is there such word?) on other people's life but... I feel like I have been given a privilege to sneak peek of their thoughts and feelings about anything and everything under the sky. Some sort of knowing how their minds work and how they view things. In fact, Uma, had found my blog and gave comments on it. (It's my other blog:

Uma is my best-est-est-est... (I know as such does not exist... highly for emphasis) since I was in Form Three. And we go back a loooong way. We went to Sixth Form together, Uni together (well, she studied in Cardiff whilst I was in Preston), finished Uni together and a lot of other things together... (Not XXX together okay!). And recently saw her and her fiancee' (and friends) in Bangkok of all places in this world!. And the comments she left was my post of 'emotional' turmoil.... and I blushed! She 'read' my emotions! But whaddaheck eh? That is what blogs are for.... A way to RANT! RANT! RANT!

Anyway, gawd... brain block again! What's with me today eh?!

Uh by the way, To Zacky in Glasglow: Happy Belated Birthday Mate! No I didn't forget, just errmmm lazy lah to call you! Love ya Mate! Be Nice!

Anyway... I think I should log off now... Too many things to do in my mind (Am at work now, office is buzzing with activity... but none related to work! Oh, just been told, I will be on duty on New Year?! Great! Just Great! Geesh! Sigh!)

Ciggy Break Mode: On

Rant Over! Adios Amigos!


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