KB Pick Up!

On a very laid back Sunday, Redz, Kayoy and I decided to drive up to Kuala Belait (KB) to pick up Toni. We invited Toni to come up Bandar due to high requirement demand for him to celebrate New Year together.

Toni, can be defined as the gracious man I have ever met. He's like a mother, caring and loving. To me like a 'babu-babu' (aunty). Yes, he's a guy too. But his loving and caring nature, could not be separated with a grace of a mother.

When we reached KB, we hung out at Riviera Cafe off the Belait River. Click Kayoy and Redz to know what we did there. It was a great hang out. It was indeed a lazy day. But at the end of the day, I was knackered after driving around nearly the whole day and night. But it was all worthed.


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