Stomach flu
First and foremost, consider this as a week's worth of blog entries, hence it is going to be a long one. So be prepared for some reading for your enjoyment. The reason that I have been offline for quite a while was because I have been down with a stomach flu. I don't know what is wrong with my stomach, the doctors don't even know too. And feel helpless about it. Although various theories have been made to conclude my condition. Maybe it is gastric, maybe it is stomach ulcer of some kind, maybe it is viral infection, maybe just a bad case of constipation, whatever it is, I hate this. I hate being sick and feeling sick. I have lots of things at work too. WAITING! It all started on Saturday evening when I complained to Redz that my stomach is aching a little. He suggested that I visit the gents but I harshly replied to him that it's my stomach that was aching, not that I wanted to 'go'. We then went to look for anime DVDs and told him, I really needed to 'go...