Lap Top Less

There will be a quick break from blogging for a little while. I have sold off my laptop. There is an interesting story about selling my laptop. My mind tells me that I wanted to sell it for $1,200. But in the advert, I have put in $1k. I have no clue why I typed in $1k instead. This is the second time that my brain and my fingers have a mind of their own.

The first time it happened was when I was about to withdraw $50 off the ATM. Instead I typed in $300. I have no clue why I typed in the ATM of that amount. It still puzzled me till this day.

I think my fingers have a mind of its own. One day, it will take over my body. So anyway, I will make a move on now. Will try to update my blog using my friends' laptop. Till then... Adios!


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