A Great Weekend

It has been a while since I last had this kind of weekend.

As planned about two weeks ago, my college mates and I were planning or a bbq for their house warming party. Like all house warming goes, it was pot luck invitation, I brought drinks, lots of it. (Non-alcoholic, of course). And by default, I helped looking after the barbie, adding charcoal and ensuring that all things are in order. I was happy to do that.

Slowly one by one the guys came, old mates, and new mates. These new mates are friends of a friend of a friend, or a friend's house mates, or the house mate's friend... All from different type of backgrounds and type of occupations. It was really cool. And this is one night I will remember for a very long time.

I had to leave early because I had a revisiting date (actually it was to watch the fire works, but we were late). This date is going well. It looks good. But I'm keeping it real this time. It's still just a date, no more , no less. I don't want to think to much about it. As long as it it good, it's fine. I wouldn't say I've never thought of having a relationship again with respect to this date, but I guess, I shouldn't spoil the good times that we have by thinking to much about the long term . In other words, I'm just taking things easy. No need to over work myself by assuming and dwelling too much on each other's emotions and feelings. Just living amicably in the present. It's good, so let's keep it that way... when the time comes, it will and if it's meant to be, it shall happen. Don't you think so?

In short, this has been a great weekend since a very long time. It's great, it's good, it's all good. Hope your weekend, went well too... Until then...


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