Happy Day

Yesterday was a good day. It might be the partial solar eclipse, but indeed yesterday was a very good day for me.

Before that, I think I should write here a comment from my previous post by Mirdahmad, an avid reader of my blog, "a sad entry... pathetic maybe? naaaaah, you are one very strong person. You are just playing around, experimenting with your feelings, like a kid playing with lego, building something before tearing it all apart then building it again, each time differently. The resources; product and outcome in a perfect equilibrium. Its not useless neither a failure, its just a bumpy road. Maybe you should take the highway!"

Why does this comment deserve to be in this post, because Mirdahmad have in a way opened-up my mind about life itself. I've never thought about experimenting, like a lego and building it all over again, eventhough perhaps it was obvious to some people. But that simple comment was a "WOW" for me. I am experimenting love, different types of it, oh yeah, up to now, I do know love have their own types, degrees and levels. But it's the tearing down bit that smacked me down, unlike lego, love cause a lot of heartaches.

But anyway, this post is my way of thanking Mirdahmad for an eye opener. Eventhough it was simple, it was meaningful to me. So continuing the good vibe yesterday, I was called into my boss office, he send me an MSN, telling me to drop by before I go off for the day. I sat with him for about half an hour, to discuss about, well, me. He said something along the line of great capabilities and capacity, unfortunately, it ends with inconsistency. My boss, also a mentor (before he became my boss), gave me a wake-up call. I do admit that I am able to do things beyond my abilities, but he was right, inconsistency in my presence in the office was the main drawback and it is pulling me down. I appreciate his intentions and he made my day to keep on going well.

Then, I revisit a date that I had previously. And without dwelling much, because it is personal to me, I got to know my date really well. And this feelings that I had last night, was last felt about two years ago when I was with my ex, YKW. It wasn't the same, but the feelings were similar. I felt the similar vibe, I felt the similar intense feelings that I had two years ago. But I'm keeping my feet on the ground this time. And that was the best ending of day, after all this time. I won't get over myself this time. I'm keeping it real. No promises were exchange, no plans were made, it's too early for anything, but one thing for sure, it was good. Very good indeed.

I'm way too happy now and pray to Allah, that this will lasts...


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