Run and Ache
I feel guilty today. I woke up to an aching body, my thighs, my back, my big love handles and my shoulder all hurt. As a result, I didn't go to work, I took some paracetamol and slept it off, hopefully I could recover at least before midday and I can come to work half day.
I woke up at 3pm. My body still aches, but felt a little better, it was much easier to more around, the paracetamol definitely helped. I remembered a friend once suggested, after the first exercise the body will definitely ache but do not stop. Most people stop because of this ache, the reason for this is to re-programme the muscles. This ache is usually because of the body building new muscle tissues where it was once not required due to our daily activities. A significant change in the activities will cause the body to ache. Of course, everybody have their own handicaps. So please do consult a doctor.
That is why some people who exercise do take protein supplements so that the body could make new muscle cells with less ache, silly stupid me, with protein supplements which I have brought a few months ago, forget to take them after my run.
So today, I ran again. And I can feel a difference this time round. In fact, I does change the shape of my body a little bit. Very little, insignificant but an improvement. I lost a kilo even. Little effort big differences, but unfortunately, no pain, no gain. Something has got to give. I'm really pleased with the progress I am making. Wish me all the best with my path to fitness.
On a personal life, things are going very quiet, which is nice for a change, no more dramas or things to think about. No complications, nothing, so far, so good. But I bet something is always lurking over the corners for me... Until then...