Where am I?

I am in a big mess.

A mess made by myself and by my own doing. It's not a mess yet, and hopefully it won't be a mess at all, but everything is hanging on a balance.

I did a silly thing. I cheated. Sort of. Well, I have intentions to cheat. But I didn't physically cheat, but now the heart starts to split into two and going into one big bad mess. It's my own doing, and I haven't told "T" about it yet. But nevertheless, I'm thinking twice about "T". Stupid huh? I can imagine Karma laughing now, that I fell into her trap. Well, let me ask you this, does what categorize oneself as cheating? Does thought counts? Does what the heart feels counts? Does doing the deed counts? Where is the sneaky fine line lies?

I know this sounds bad, and potentially could get ugly. But it's something I have to think about. I know what I have with the other fling have no potential at all, but it makes me wonder if I should settle down with "T". This is bad, my big boo-boo... I wonder how am I going to clean up this mess that I made. It's just bad (of me). Silly naughty me! Shame on me... Everything in my head is convoluted and I don't know what to think. Thus this rampant and erratic post. I apologise... Until then...


Mirdahmad said…
Sometimes it is wiser to let your head do the counting.
AND nothing in this world and nobody is perfect, it might help if you lower your expectations and plant your feet on the ground.
BUT Quoting Shakespeare "Better three hours too soon than a minute too late."

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