And Finally...

I'm writing this close to midnight.  Tomorrow morning, I'll be going home after being 16 days offshore.  It has been quite a long haul, and it has it ups and downs, but this time it is different.

What difference is it from the other offshore shift that I had before, you may wonder?  Well, this is my last shift.  And I'm not coming back here again.  Okay, I know from previous post I have said this before.  This time, it is (maybe) for real.  I say maybe because it depends if there will be anyone to replace me next year, so otherwise I would have to go to relief my colleagues again.

I have told my boss that I would like to remain onshore doing office work full time, and not relief my colleagues anymore.  The reason is, I'm tired.  I'm tired of juggling my office work and offshore work, and when I do go offshore, there will be no one to back me up.  So no one is cleaning up the mess for me onshore, while I clean up the mess offshore.  Messy.  That is one word I would describe this shift as.  My colleagues and their construction supervisors left too many things open ended, too many things outstanding and too many mess.  I had to clean them up.  Well, my construction supervisor, Zaki and I, that is.  We've manage to clean up, and clear up a lot of things that was outstanding and left over from previous supervisors and from my colleague.  I just hope they can keep things to the way it is now, because I am getting sick and tired of cleaning up their mess (and the office).

The office was almost becoming a store room for them to store useless junks.  There are still useless engineering packages still laying about in the office, and have instructed them to pack them and send them back onshore.  But anyhow, yeah, this is my last trip.  But not really, depending a replacement is available or not.  But if there isn't, I still try to refuse from going.  Actually, I'm good at my job here than I am in the office.  The office has too much negative vibes, too many things going wrong at the wrong time.  It's tiring, it is like a salmon, struggling against the current, spawn and die.  In the end, everything is sort of so and so, with no lesson learnt at all.  And when it comes to the next year... It's the same ol' story... again and again...  They tried to re-invent the wheel sometimes... which in the end makes you go... WTF?! And you're back to the old drawing board....

(logged off)

I had logged off because the goddamn internet connection wasn't working last night.  Now, I'm writing this post in a restaurant, and yes, that means, I'm back onshore already.

I sent a text message to SA when I arrive, to no reply, it is already 1 p.m.  Oh well... is it starting again?  Anyhow, I don't want to think about it...  All I care is to get in bed.  But I can't.  The goddamn car had it's ABS (Anti Braking System) warning on... it says "ABS Servicing Required" and that means money out... damn, I've just recovered from being broke and now this... it's been a bad financial year for me... Anyhow I hope this will change for next year.  Alrighty then, I'm going to leave for the workshop now...

Until then, be safe, be free...


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