Walking on the Plains...

It's true, like most changes we make, the first few adjustments is the hardest and then, it's just a walk on the plains... figuratively speaking, that is.

Today is the third day I'm offshore and things started to settle in.  Yesterday, I went into the Daily Progress Report, a.k.a DPR, and found that most of the things in the DPR needs to be revamp and that took me about three freaking hours to complete.  I am surprise since I left the team, the DPR has deteriorate significantly and it's just pure ridiculous in it.  The supervisors and my colleagues have failed to understand the acronym DPR itself.  It's Daily Progress Report.  Daily.  Simple as that, but what I found in the DPR was obsolete information gathered for months and months, and everything seemed jumbled up like wild grass.  I simply couldn't understand it.

I remembered when I used to be the CSR (Company Site Representative), the DPR, if it could be described, was like a royal silver platter.  Shiny and speaks of truth and just by reading the front cover, you'd get the whole story of what had happened throughout the day.  Clear cut and simple.  But when I had a good break down of the whole DPR, it's simply dirge.  Nonsense.  The DPR is in excel spreadsheet format, thus it has some formulas in it, and it's all gone.  I remembered on my last few trip about two months ago, I managed to fix all of them.  And now they're gone, again!  The supervisor who was responsible for all of this have gone back onshore and the supervisor that was here are clueless.  So I had to warn him not to meddle too much on the formulas.  My colleagues and the supervisors are not really computer literate, thus why the DPR had degraded so much to the form it was, as of yesterday.

I'm not saying I'm good at my job, and others are terrible at it, it's just that I make improvements for them, but like my last post, it is easy for them to get back to their old habits, taking short cut or taking things way to lightly.  I guess some of the mistakes comes from me as well, the DPR were sent to me daily but being offshore, taking leaves and managing other work keeps me away from eyeing on their mistakes.  But then again, every handover I left, every time I cover for my colleagues, I always highlight this to them, but it seems it goes to deaf ears.  I guess some sayings are true, "you can't teach old dogs, new tricks".  My colleagues are much older than I am, and that explains why they are a little bit illiterate when it comes to new technologies, I don't know, sometimes, giving up is a less troublesome option.

Speaking about giving up, I'm sure you have read the shoutmix box on the right column of this blog.  Harsh words there.  But I've given up, but I would like to thank Siti, whoever she is for leaving a very very strong opinion.  My guess is that Siti knows me, and obviously hates my guts.  I think a stranger wouldn't have such a strong opinion for the things that had happened to me.  But I take some, I leave some... Like that my favourite saying I got from a comedy sitcom 'Becker' "Opinions are like ass, everyone has them, but no one wants to hear them".  I'm not going to defend myself to the attack, 'opinion'.  I'd just have to be thankful for the comment.  And I hope Siti can move along, because to my opinion, It's just way to sad and funny actually...  Then again, that's just my ass speaking, figuratively, that is.

But it does makes me think though.  Those opinions will contradict significantly if those opinions came from my friends and *gasp* dare I say my family.  LOL.  I guess, people who knows me, know me and it doesn't come so much as a surprise to them.  Otherwise I won't have friends and family at all...  But I do, so I'm glad that some things that I have done in my life have turned out just fine.  So I don't have to change nothing for no one for no reason.  The are few things in life that we are clueless about, then again, who doesn't?  The meaning of life?  Is it a lamp or is it a blanket?  What is it?  LOL... (A private joke between me and Lara :P )

At one course, that I took a few years ago, we talked about mindset.  It's actually a bad thing to have but can be used in a positive way as well, it all depends.  Mindset put limitations in your mind and add specific stigma.  With this mindset, a word would sum it up and this word express it, and that word is typically called stereotyping.  We do this almost everyday unconsciously.  So if I had to give an 'opinion' back to Siti, to open up her eyes and free herself.  Then again, take it or leave it... It's just an opinion.  It's not much fun being on the receiving end, is it?  Well, touché, touché...

Until then, love always, be free....


M Ahmad said…
Have a great new year ahead. Mind boggling as it is with your life and work, it will never be dull. May the new year 1431H brings you and those around you, much happiness and success in everything you get your hands on. Never give up on life and love. Have fun (in a good meaningful way) while you are at it. Bumps, potholes and detours on the road add excitement to the sometimes uneventful course.
Anonymous said…
Thanks Maria, sorry for the late reply, been busy with work and entertaining the rest of the crew, they're driving me crazy, but fun at the same time. And yeah, wish you a Maal Hijiriah 1431 and I hope you and family and friends live in abundance and prosperity.

Thanks for the wish. It really gives me a cheer up, which I really do need at the moment... I really appreciate it...

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