Fire And Water

I do apologise for the lack in updates, in actual fact this is the third post that I wrote.

The last two post didn't get publish because I was in a situation where I have to wait for things to settle down before I got it publish. I had a big argument with "E" recently. And I thought that was the end.

But one thing that happened in my raging anger, "E" managed to calm me down. And honestly it takes a lot to calm me down, my ex-es would second that. "E" just kept calm and explained everything to me. In the end, my anger succumb, swallowed my pride but gave a stern warning to not let it happen again... And to make me do that, takes a lot, believe me, I am a very stubborn man, very stubborn. And I do appreciate the way "E" handles things. But we're alright now. It's good. Better even.

So anyway, my latest concerns about things is nothing but my weight. It is increasing exponentially. (... logged off... )

After writing this post yesterday, I lost interest so I logged off. Like I told Satire, I ran out of my vocabulary and just abandoned it for a while. There are times when I find myself not in the writing mood. Unlike now, my brain is buzzing. It is now Monday morning and I'm like everyone else dragging themselves out of bed and into work. However work seems to wait for no man, I've received at least 10 work emails which still remains unopened in my inbox. I'll attend to that once I finished this...

Oh, I forgot to mention something, despite of saying that I am 'broke'. I bought a new phone. Okay, I know when I bought the HTC Touch Pro, I did mention that will be the last phone as I love it so much. In fact, I still do, but the lag, the lag was unbearable. The waiting, the crashing. And the endless need to reboot it every now and again, is just frustrating. Don't get me wrong, the HTC is a fantastic device, but Windows Mobile, in short, SUCKS! I am hating Windows Mobile 6.1 as much as I hate Vista. It is just too slow for me. I'm back to Symbian OS, which is easier, simpler and faster. I guess sometimes the simple answers are the answers to most questions.

Since I am a lover of Sony Ericsson, I bought the 8MP Camera phone, SE C905, and with this phone I can blog unlike Windows Mobile which can be quite difficult to post pictures, so perhaps there will be random pictures posted in this blog, the least. I know that my blog have been quite boring because all you see is text, text, text here and there and it is looking quite plain I must admit, the reason for this is because I post my pictures into my facebook than anywhere else (you'd have to add me to see those pictures). There's another reason why I have decided to buy this phone, this is so that I don't have to carry my bulky SLR camera tagging on my neck or in my bag when I go out on a holiday. At least with this phone/cybershot camera, I can just pop it into my pocket.

My next holiday is just around the corner. And I have a bittersweet feeling about going, knowing that the flu is going around and my financial status which is not really at a healthy condition at the moment. But I am excited to go nevertheless, I am thinking of something to fill my time, and this trip will be a different one, because I am sort of going alone. Of course, my brother and his wife will be there as well, but I would be probably left to my own devices most of the time. It would be a blessing if I am single but at the moment, I am committed to a relationship. Staying faithful and loyal can be quite challenging for some people.

I am still hunting for room/house to rent, and today I've made a couple of appointments, but I am not hopeful about it. Last friday, me and my buddy, Aiedee went to see an apartment that was a little expensive but I just thought I'd have a look at it. It was a nice private nook, one room and toilet, very nice, it is just that the room wasn't a room really. It is a living room made up into two apartments and the walls are plywood. The construction of the apartment are solid, but I hardly think that the rooms are sound proof. Okay before you think of naughty thoughts, which most of my friends did, I am the kind of guy who blares his music out loud, not that I have any 'weird' sounds coming from my room at night. And vice versa could happen to my neighbour, he or she could be a noise maker at night, so how am I going to get some peaceful sleep? In short there's no privacy in that apartment, thus I have turned down the offer.

In actual fact, I have been contemplating whether I should or should not rent. I am living comfortably with my brother, and my brother have been nothing else but accomodating and he enjoys my company. But I do find myself asking, do I want or do I need a place of my own. I find myself bouncing from one end to another. I do, I don't, I do, I don't... But I guess, it would be much better if I could have a place of my own. But I guess, I don't need to rush.

To tell you the truth, I have no clue what I have just written. They're all jibberish to me, I suppose that there's nothing significant that have been happening to me. The weekend just ended without anything significance. The only thing that is worrying me is my weight as per the fourth paragraph of this post. I am trying to fit in a fitness regime into my hectic life. I must find a gym soon, hopefully it is somewhere close to where I live, or will be living... right? I don't know, I'm quite messed up. So leave me a comment or two, I would appreciate your thoughts. Until then, I guess I better shut up now than writing useless rant in this post... Take care and Ciao!


Anonymous said…
i think jgntah pindah. stay saja with ur bro and it's free. Lagipun ur bro loves u around and if ia kan menahan pun he maybe feels its not his right jua. Its a safe feeling being around family who is sincerely caring towards you. After reading in ur blogs all this time, ia ngantar ngambil and hangs out with you, its more than just family bonds but he dotes on you. Payah tu mencari. babe mau tu eh.

If its privacy you want maybe you can tidur di hotel le galeria ah semalam dua. In the long run, nothing beats living with people who is happy to see you home unless they are the green eye monster.

No offense, beh. Just my 2 cents opinion :)

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