Sick Day (Yesterday) and Long Day (Today)

Yesterday, I woke up, sat up on my bed, and my head was spinning... I stood up to go to the toilet to take 'wudu' for subuh prayer, I couldn't, I went back to bed, reached for my ibuprofen, and told myself I need to rest. I didn't wake up at all. I woke up at 12pm when my housemate came back for lunch, I didn't meet him, I just stayed in bed, I felt chilly, I felt feverish. On my mobile there were a few text messages, from my brother, a few friends, including Zaty.

Zaty texted me saying that she felt touched by my post regarding her and her protege. Well, I meant all what I said with all my heart. She was and still is the best. Besides Aliff that is. I am so happy to be his protege. They both are the best. Want proof? We are their proof. All three of us are in the top five. We are their success story. I think to have us all for a hangout one of these weekends.

Oh my god, today is such a hectic day. I am not even close to 10% completion to what I have planned in my mind. But never mind. I have been interrupted by my colleagues and what-not since before lunch, thus writing this all down, is such a drag. I even forgotten what I wanted to write here. So anyway, yesterday I felt sick, I didn't wake up for water or food until it was half past 6pm. I washed up myself and waited for my housemate to come back from gym. Then we played around with the kittens. I love kittens. One of the kitten named Sassy, will be mine in the future. She will be my new soul mate in my new house. Since it was still pouring outside, we decided to go to Yayasan for CA Mohammad for dinner. That way, we don't have to walk in the rain, we parked at the basement and made our way up. It has been more than a year since I last went to CA Mohammad Restaurant in Yayasan. I was telling my housemate that I had a bad experience there, when the carpet had a foul damp smell and caused a migrane and all the food that I took in, went up and out right after.... I suppose that incident has scarred me. That was why I didn't go there for quite a while.

We ran a few errands after dinner and made our way home. Watch a little TV and played with the cats and kitten. My housemate was grooming them... It is such an amazing feeling that pets can make you feel all giddy inside. Pets or cats really do show you a good time. I slept late last night. I talked to another new friend until 2am. (I'm sure you're all asking where do I get my so-called-'new' friends, well, I'm not telling! - ha-ha-ha)

Today, I woke up early but not early enough for the 'subuh' prayer. I drove my 'daddy' car, and mid way to Tutong, my car turned into a Harley-Davidson motorcycle. I pulled over, and I knew it something from the exhaust came loose. I drove (feeling embarrassed as everyone looked at my car with disgust - of the blaring noise) to Tutong, at a workshop. The reason was, the sensor for the manifold came loose because the pipe manifold was rusting. I told them to weld it up. I called up the office telling them my stupid car is in the workshop and I'm stuck with it. I waited for at least 90 minutes and I continued my journey. I felt stressed out with how my day had turned out. Later I will return the car back to the owner, as I don't think that car is safe enough to be my mode to commute. It still shakes like 'Shakira'.

When I arrived in the office, there were many people in the office lobby checking in at the security counter and shouting "Ani Nah!!!" (translation - "Here he is!"). Oh shoot. My meeting which I organised is due! So I had to rush into the office, collect everything, made my fuss and walked back down to the conference room. It went well, I was to chair the meeting, but I kept quiet writing all the minutes down. Before I knew it, the meeting was adjourned and my hands were shaking... I felt hungry, so hungry. So I went upstairs to my office, take my belongings i.e. cash walked down to the lobby, exited the office. One of my colleague was just about to shut off her engine. Her car is a Lancer EX GT high spec in White. And my brain went....."PING!". I joked if I could test drive the car. She obliged. I was shocked! She let me drive her car. She also said, if you're getting it, get the red! It nice... So, what the heck! I test drived the car and ohhh lovely jovely! I tell ya! Yup, it is confirmed that I am getting a Red (maybe White) Lancer EX GT High Spec is on my TO-DO list! After driving for a good ten minutes, I returned the keys to the owner and finally, made my way across the road for lunch.

"Ehhh! Sini saja duduk" (Translation - "Hey just sit here!!") my friend called out. I looked up, it was Sham. Sham is a friend of a friend which I once knew. He is still as good looking as I saw him long long time ago. I wonder what is his secret? Hmmm? I see him every now and then, he was on a lunch break too. I sat with him and a couple of his colleagues. He paid for my lunch... I guess it was my luck (Langkah kanan katakan).

I went back to the office and tried to start writing this blog... To constant interruption all the time. By now, this time, I am alone in the office. Everyone have left. Oh by the way, in less than half an hour ago, my laptop buyer took the laptop away. I'm sad, but it had to be done. My laptop, reminds me of my ex. Like everything else that I have sold. I've sold off my PSP, my laptop, my phone. The few things things that I left to remember my ex, which I didn't have the heart to sell off was the lava lamp and my iPod. Those are gifts. The lava lamp was a suprise gift. The iPod was a belated birthday/belated Valentine gift from last year. It aches my heart to keep it, but it will be more painful to sell them off. But at least a few things have gone. So I guess that will do.

So the only way to update this blog will be via work. And it won't be as often as I can. I will try to blog using my mobile as much as I can. Oh my, I have written quite a bit huh? So anyway, until then, take care and Adios Amigos and Amigas...

p/s: I have a sort-of-a-date tonight, woo-hoo!


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