Lazy Bones...

Yes, (sighing!), yes, yes, I've been quite lazy to write up my blog and on top of that, let's just say subtly, that I've been 'busy'.  Busy of what kind one may ask, well, busy with life and from today onwards, I will be busy preparing my things for the long haul offshore.

I've been also busy packing and hauling and unpacking and segregating my stuff from my everyday things and the things that I don't normally use.  And I'm still doing them at the moment, I have logged in a few times, but every time when I got online, I'm surrounded by company that writing my blog seems uneasy, y'know having to talk to them as you're still thinking what you wanted to write about.

I still have a few stuff left at my previous housemate's place.  And I am thinking to pick them up next year... when I come back from offshore.  I will be offshore soon, and this will be my last longest trip offshore.  After this, I will be going offshore for only two weeks, and spending four weeks in the office, and more time for me, to check out my house, which is disappointing at the moment...  Two weeks on-leave, no news from them so yet.  I have already contacted them, and they say they will come back to me... Grrr, it's pissing me off again.

So what's up with me lately?  Besides being busy, I've been thinking a lot about my life, actually there are millions of things that I wannted to talk about, things like people's expectations of you.  

Okay, this is going to be a half rambling and half thought post.  People often expect good things from you, sometimes, people expect more than good things, better things, and we live up to this expectations.  But when do we say stop to trying to live up to their expectations and live you own life instead.  In all honesty, I carry a little amount of expectations from people or the people I come in contact with.  Such as honesty, integrity and trust.  Other than that I take and accept it as human nature/behaviour, it's human nature to feel angry, sad, happy, ignorant and the lists goes on and on.  

So would you expect people to behave in a certain manner especially when it will reflect some comments on you?  Or would you expect I believe that the world is changing and more and more people live in paranoia.  But at the same time, I believe that the world is changing and adapting too.  So what seems ridiculously impossible is nowadays widely practise.  I remembered years ago, that getting married because someone got a daughter pregnant is such taboo to even talk about.  And nowadays, it's just taken back like the norm such as the idea of that happening could happen to anyone.  

My personal standing on trying to cope with other people's expectation of me is that, firstly I accept that people differ from one another.  And I wouldn't want them to act or behave in any way.  I love them for who and what they are.  I don't care what others would comment about me, because that does not matter at all.  At any level.  Because I will never compensate myself for what other people think of me.  I will stay true to myself and I will let people who wants to know me to know me.  And those, who judge me for what they saw, can remain ignorant and it won't bother me one little bit.  

So that's my personal standing.  My own.  And I don't expect anybody to agree with that.  But that's my truth behind my personality and my character.  Wow, getting a little deep aren't we... 

Writing this blog has truly taken quite a number of days.  In fact I have been continuing this blog for quite a few days...  I truly have taken my time in writing this post.  This post, though, has no whatsoever connection of my own experience.  These are just thoughts from my head.  And is not connected to anyone living or dead.  I know someone will feel a bit of the pinch, but in all seriousness this has got nothing to do with anyone.


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