Self Discipline

Hmmm, I love Sundays, was my first thoughts of the day. Then I open my eyes, and my head was screaming... No it isn't! You fool! It's freaking Monday! And it is freaking 930 AM!!

I checked my alarm, yup it's working, both of my phones, yup still working... So why the hell didn't I wake up. I grabbed the towel and rush to the bathroom to shower. And when I got back to my wardrobe... Shit, haven't done laundry, haven't done any ironing. What the hell have you done? You're such a lazy twat. So here I am working in my polo shirt and jeans. I look like shit. On my one hour journey to the office, my boss called, asking where I was. I told him I was on the way to work. His reply was "!!!!!!!!!!!!" Of course, it is my fault.

I also missed that I have a course today. Laser 3D scanning training. Shit! To think that this week is going to be great. Well, I may have a shitty start. But I am determined that all will be well, and I will work as hard as I can. I will, I will, I will. Enough slacking off, you stupid Kellaz!

I need to discipline myself. From my personal life to my working life, I admit, I'm such a slacker. Blame Baby for this! Ha-ha... No, I don't blame Baby! It's all my doing, I need a reboot, more like a kick with a boot! With everything, everything seems, hmmm shall I put it, loose. I need to act up. C'mon Kellaz. I haven't done much running, I haven't done much exercise, I haven't done my laundry, I haven't picked up my laundry even, I haven't done my ironing, I haven't been to the shop to upgrade my laptop, I haven't clean my new laptop, which looks filthy, I haven't done a lot of things. It is like I have put my life on hold. For what???!! What was it that I so busy about to not do these many things?! Pathetic. I'm afraid I have become what I hate to be most. The procrastinator! Shit!

Any tips guys? I am so hating myself right now. I found this cartoon earlier, and good god it is similar! I am, aren't I?

Apologies my my swearing! - Adios!


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