Shore So Shore...

When I was about to write this post, I wanted a unique heading, suddenly, Take That's Sure sang in my head hence the title. Just a little fun for my amusement.

Yes, again, this will be quite a lengthy post. I have been offshore for almost a week, actually was suppose to return to shore this Saturday, but my boss called me back onshore to do a few follow ups with the problems left on dry land, since almost everyone is now offshore doing pretty much everything under the blue sky.

Oh by the way, this is my 101th post of this blog. So how do you think I've done? I know that
my journalist dream is still far from my grasp, but to think about it, this blog is much more of my journal rather than being a journalist. Therefore, to this point, my journalist dream will stay as a dream for now.

So how about it? My posts so far? Too much info sharing? I know that I have crossed some taboo areas and touched a tad deep emotionally and probably have caused a few stirs here and there, maybe some controversy. I know that I have shared way too much about my life especially about my love life. Well, speaking of my love life. It is time to come clean to my readers. Besides I have been given the green light to announce this. I've been keeping my love life on down low from my readers, partly because I am a little embarrassed to announce this to my readers. I have actually gone back together with my ex.

Okay, I know, I know... All that drama and it boils down to us being back together. But I will leave that to that. I won't say much about it. But I would like to say just a few things. This news was not a surprise to some parties, in fact they are happy about us, but to some, it is not just a surprise, but to a certain extent, a disagreement. No, I will not defend myself for the actions that I have done or say or even wrote. Yes, I am not a great guy nor a great lover. Yes, I admit, I do have my faults. Many faults. Way too many faults. I am only a man, with feelings and emotion, just a man. Until they walk in my shoes, until they know how it feels, how it is like to be treated the way I was, until they know how I felt to stand alone, without no one to hear me, until they know how much pain and anguish I have gone through, not only with my relationship, but throughout my life, until then, that will be the time they would understand my actions and my reactions. But, I respect certain decisions. It is understandable, and no offence taken. It is funny somehow, every bad deeds always oversight the good deeds. Again, I do understand that, it's human nature to be so. So that's the end. No discussion after that. I contempt with what had happened. And that's that.

So, offshore... I was offshore for 6 days, and the last 5 days I was left on my own without my colleagues on board. They were told to stay on the platform. I was reluctant to stay on the platform because I knew how it is like being out of place, despite working for the same company. But lets not talk about the bureaucracy of it all, but the 5 days I was by myself felt like more than a week offshore. The contractors are like a well oiled machine, they work by themselves without supervision. That is, by my supervision, so most of the time, I would just retreat to my cabin and let them be. Besides there were nothing much I could do. Hmmm, pretty boring stuff which the details are better left out. I will post some pictures via my mobile. There were some interesting pictures that I took using my camera. Well, that's the reality of being an 'slacking' engineer eh?!

Am planning to change my blog title to : Kellaz, Trials, Tribulations and Thoughts of an outcast... How does that sound? Depressive huh?

Until then, girls and gentlebabies... Adios Amigos!


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