Sunday Guilty Trip

I am at work. On Sunday. Great! Sigh!

I was woken up by my boss's text message, giving me the guilty trip. He expects me to work throughout the weekend. Which is quite difficult for me. I commute everyday, now he wants to include the weekend.

I know some people do that and I shouldn't be whine about it. But seriously. The bomb was dropped on me on Friday evening. And now I should cancel my plans all throughout the weekend? Whatever! I work to live. Not live to work. If anybody finds that difficult for them. Tough!

Yesterday, I woke up quite early, but had to do my laundry. I have clothes that I have not washed for more than 2 weeks. Should I drop that of my plan to do list just because I am needed in the office. I ran out of underwear, so should I start going 'commando' to the office? I have my bedding to send to the laundrette, should I just wait to pile up. Oh how about lunch? Let's not have any. Just drive all the way, on an empty stomach shall we? Yesterday, was particularly a hot day. A very hot day. And I had migrane needles pushing my right eyeball out. Should I just drive 1 hour away to do some more office work?

All the answer to the above is "NO!". But all of these are excuses to my boss. I hate that. They don't know how much we try. TRY. TRYING. Eventhough we try our best that still doesn't meet their standard, should I get the guilt trip?

So after that text message, I persuade my friend to send me off to my office 1 hour away. And since he wants to borrow my desktop computer. I told him that we could get it on our way back from my parent's house.

I am a great bullshitter. That I can tell you. But sometimes, even the most miniscule valid reason that I have about work, is accepted as an excuse. I'm fade up with the way I am treated. Yes, I am the office slacker. But really, is it my fault that I was not given the faith to do anything? So whatelse am I to do. Besides, people forgot what I have gone through. Perhaps they didn't, but it's merely an excuse to them. I'm tired. But never mind. Patience is key. Till then... Rant over.



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