Festive Atmosphere, Sinking Feeling

Sorry for the short hiatus, that I didn't tell you about, I have been very busy with work and what-not. But surprise, surprise, I am onshore actually!!!

I didn't mention my return in this blog because I wanted to surprise Redz. Indeed he was shocked. So let me update you a little on my going-ons, or in other words, Diary Time!!

I went home on Sunday, the reason behind this is because my family decided to do an open house plus a 'doa selamat' with just the closest relatives. My brother asked me to come home for my dad's sake, so I obliged. I touched down at Anduki Airport on Sunday morning, sharp at 8.40 a.m. I was greeted by my 'brother' Sulaiman, he knew about my return as he's my designated pick up everytime I touched down at Anduki Airport. Before sending him off to his home, we ate at C.A.Mohd, Seria. Do you know this is the first restaurant before it opens up many branches. This the original C.A.M Restaurant!! I sent him home, but we hung out at his house for a while and enjoying the festive feeling onshore. About noon, I drove to my parents, greeted by my adorable nephew, Fahmi. I went straight to my dad, and 'salam' and hugged. He was a surprised that I came. So it was the usual, my niece and nephew running amok, and it was loud. Everybody was loud, it was quite, festively festival. LOL... My family are loud people, I remember some time ago, when I came home back, and as I climb upstairs, I can hear people arguing loudly, but only to find that they're just talking out loud. It was great. For a long time, I'm happy to be back home.

At about half past 4p.m, I drove back to Bandar to go home, I came home in my coveralls, I didn't change as I didn't have any 'cara melayu' costume to change into. My relatives gave me some weird look but they do understand that I just came home from offshore. Thus not dressed accordingly.

I arrived home in Bandar about 45 minutes later. Greeted by my housemate, Ed. I asked Ed, to find out about Redz's whereabouts. We found out that he's home but going out soon, to take a picture of another friend at the beach. After a quick shower, I drove to Redz's home and knocked and banged his door. He was surprise he gave me a sharp pinch on my arm... Owch! He was surprised alright. We went to Tungku Beach to take photos for our friend. I decided to take my camera as well, just for fun. We took quite a few and after that we went for food at the usual place i.e. KTM Restaurant. At about 8p.m, we hung out at Redz's place, and a few friends came by too.

I hung out till 1a.m. I was tired, I slept like a baby. And that was only Sunday of my return. The next day, on Monday, I went to work as usual. It was fun driving to work, but not really, because as Monday signifies the start of school and work after the long weekend, the queue was a far as the eyes can see. But I didn't mind, Jason Mraz was accompanying me, and I was screaming and singing in the car, trying to not get bored. It was nice to see my colleagues after almost a month not coming into the office. And I was quite productive, I must admit. Work was a breeze. I managed to finish all that needs doing. Had lunch with Jane. And after work, our office secretary had an open house, Lady Doro and I were the first to arrive. They took a lot of pictures, I only remembered that I did brought my camera along when I was about to leave, and everybody was leaving as well. It was fun. Our colleagues might be civil at work, but when they go as a group for other colleague's open houses, they run amok, not much different from my nieces and nephews. It was great, laughters all the way.

I went to my brother's place to borrow his vaccum as my room is in dire need of cleaning. I left his house at about 7p.m. When I reached home, I texted Buddy Billy as he requested, that I'm home and if he wanted to go out for a quick hang out, that I'll be around. When I reached my bed, I plopped down my bed only to wake up at 2a.m. I looked at my phone, because I promised Buddy Billy for a hangout, only to found out that he too had fallen asleep. So maybe tonight we will go out instead.

Today is not much different than yesterday, I had lunch with Jane. Jane is such a character. Her tantrums of 'eeeeee', is missed dearly. I planned to go home and wait for Buddy Billy to text me. I had to run few errands before going back to Bandar. Also, I have plans to go 'raya'-ing with Aliff tomorrow, can't wait!! Oh which reminds me, I don't have cara melayu with me, must go for a quick visit at my brother's place. I have lots of 'thoughts' that I wanted to write, but if I continued to write it in this post, I don't know if you'll ever see the ending of this post... So until then, take care, be safe, be kind, Selamat Hari Raya and Adios!!!


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