SCO Ala-Ala Kampung Hari Raya AidilFitri Celebration

Before I left offshore, I was invited to our Departmental Hari Raya AidilFitri Celebration with the theme Ala-Ala Kampung (Village Night).  This is the reason why my time onshore was extended another day.  So I must go.

I appreciate this gathering to take my mind off my turmoil the night before.  The celebration was held on the 17th October at LLRC (Lumut-Liang Recreational Club) not far from BLNG (Brunei Liquified Natural Gas) Plant.  I tried to enjoy even at the back of my mind and my heart I was still hurting.  But I got to meet many of my colleagues.  Here are some photos to share with you...  The photos are quite a challenge as it was shot at a dark hall.  So most of them are shaky and blurry.  But these are a best few that I handpicked from the whole batch.  I took almost 400 pictures.  And it was great practise for me.

I sat with our Tea Ladies, it was fun, I'm quite fond of the lady in Black, I call her my 'MUM' :)

The reception counter...  Ready with a smile

Daughter, Izan and Father (Both in the same department!)

Smile!  You're on Candid Camera.

Candle in the Wind...  More like blown by the Air Conditioner...

These were the guest singers from the Prison Department.  They were really good entertainers.  Considering from their work background.

My handsome colleagues.

Time for food!

G-Bob posing with food and the band! (From The Prison Deparment)

Three gorgeous ladies...

I love this picture, shows the hustle and bustle of the food court.

Dancing.  My colleagues in my department.

Coincidentally, it was their birthday too...  There were two celebrants.
I wish for..... pufffff!!!!

Havoc but it was fun...  Zul Gringo a.k.a Zul Prestley, interviewing the celebrants.

Our department head (Big Boss) is a good singer...  

Hj Asrul, my boss, and behind my supervisor, Hamzah, enjoying the meal.

This is Sayang (Love/Darling).  Ha ha...  no, she's works in the security counter in the office, on  one fateful Friday, she asked me if I was going for Friday Prayers, and she said "Sayang?"  I asked her again, she said "Sembahyang?" ("Praying?"), and from that time onwards, I called her Sayang...  And she hates me everytime I call her that...  We kept on teasing each other...

This is the best shot I got from the dark hall, just to give you some kind of idea the ambience were like...

A brother holding his sister, I love the silhouette it gives out in contrast to the the bright background..

Tell me this little number is cute or what???!!!  She's adorable...

There were a lot of fun and games for the kids, there were a small pageant like show for the kids to enjoy the show...

Qan, was there from start to finish...  

These two sisters are just adorable...

Mummy looking out for the his son on the stage.  Her face shows one thing.  Proud.

A shy number from this two adorable girls.  One of them is the daughter of my boss, Hj Asrul.

G-Bob's son. Totally and utterly cute.

Guys, hands off, these gorgeous ladies are taken...

This was after the gathering, lights were turned on and it's photography session

This is just adorable, right?

I told you she's taken..  I love this picture, look at it, the couple is just adorable, cute and it makes me sigh!!

Finally a picture with me in it.  I wore purple, unaware that the committee wears purple for the night...  I was totally embarrassed.  The least is that I fit in.

I was a stand-in 'boyfriend' for this lady, the real boyfriend was offshore, and a great guy too...  A very lucky guy indeed. I'm not talking about me!

Again guys, this beautiful ladies are taken too...  All the good ones are taken eh?

So that's about it.  There are some more pictures taken but didn't make it here.  I took more than 300 photos....  This is the best few...  So until then, take care, be kind, be safe and Adeus!


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