Happy New Year 2009

New Year means nothing much to me. 

It means that the earth had just made one rotation around the sun.  It means that we're back to where we started i.e. January.  It means that we're going to do another four season (well, not in Brunei as per say, but you know what I mean).  

For me, it's just a Wednesday, turning Thursday, it's another reason to party or get together, it's just a way of people trying to have a clean slate by choosing a handy date to remember, it's just a way of making resolution which will never be achieved.  It's nothing much special.  I suppose I'm taking things for granted.  Perhaps, New Year IS special...  It all depends what we think of it.

I bet I'm not the only one who will write about his or her thoughts of what the year 2008 has been.  If you could summarise it in one word, what would it be?  In case you're wondering, the word of 2008 is SUCKS.  It started badly, in between it was up and down like a roller coaster and in the end... like a roller coster, you get off, a little shaken, and dizzy with a little nausea.  I am not much of a roller coaster guy...  I guess, I'm not an adrenaline junkie.

The year started with getting thrown out, bad break up, accident, started working offshore, working my ass off offshore, bad rep by my bosses, got back together, fighting and arguing, and in the end, ridiculed by the one I truly love, misunderstandings and over-reacting were the main ingredients of all the bad happenings in 2008.  On the bright side of things, I'm back with my family i.e. in relatively good terms with them, my house is almost on track and surprisingly pleasant ending with my new relationship.  

I didn't expect to be in a relationship this early, I thought it was a rebound, and I thought to myself was it that I after being in a two year relationship that I couldn't stand to be alone.  But it didn't turn out to be that.  A lot have changed or changed me from 2008.  Ironically 8 being prosperous, didn't happen to me.  But looking at the very vague silver lining, I've learn and grew with 2008.  I am a better man because of the adversities that I've gone through.  A little mature about myself.  I learnt to love and commit by which everyone who knows me, will be a little skeptical about.

Being offshore right now, makes me miss about my other half.  Not the ex, but the new one.  Ex should be left where it suppose to be, in the past, to be forgotten about.  Well, only the bad stuff, I will always remember the good times we had and appreciate the great thing about my ex.  I wish I could hug and cuddle right now, together, perhaps looking at the black sky, enjoying each other's company.  That sounded romantic doesn't it.  But I don't need a "New Year" to be reminded about my love.  

So, to new and better thing ahead.  For great things ahead.  Forward and upwards.  That's the way it should be.  I've got many things to look forward to.  My house, my family, my baby and lots more.  Even more adversities, I suppose, adversities makes us grow, it's a learning process.  So anyway, I wish you a Happy New Year, may prosperity follow you forever....  And don't make resolutions, you'll end up not doing it.  So good riddance 2008.  Bonjour 2009.  Until then, take care and Ciao baby!


Anonymous said…
ahahaha mcm sindir babe saja ia ani belog nya ani. wednesday jadi thursday. heh babe jara eh. taun dapan nda mau sini lagi. taun dapan di negari lain. hahaha.

2008 year for babe ok lah. dapat keraja baru after suffering in that hell hole for 4 years. i tot i am going to rot there forever. buifren wise? didnt get lucky at all. hahahaha. mana tau taun ani dapat hunky santa. if i do, ill put it arah facebook and frenster to make all the ppl envious of me just once. [ perasahan lah tu hahaha ]

azam babe? kan kurus mcm tiang. nda pun macam paris hilton pun cukup sambil cakap "atu baru panas". my babies will be a A. apa rasanya tu ah. azam ke dua kan membunuh kad karidit sebuah. kan di kubur tarus. samak saja.

atu saja kali banyak2 azam nda jua tekabir. jadi memori saja.

atu saja babaizzz~~~~

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