
Like my new layout?  I've been thinking of doing a blog makeover.  I like earthy colours despite of my favourite blue colour.  

A friend commented that it's a little cozy now...  I've never thought of my previous blog layout as bright.  But apparently it was, and sometimes it was too bright for some.  So with earthy colours, I  wouldn't go wrong with that.  So what's new with me?  

In short, nothing much, I've got less than a week here offshore.  Somehow after the new year, the days felt shorter for some reason, before I knew it, today is the second day of the year.  I've got plenty of things to plan when I come back onshore.  And that includes office work.  Plenty of things to cover.  Also, I have made a commitment to myself to have a daily trip weekly every time I am onshore, depending on my bosses approval, that is.  (I'm writing my blog in simple english, somehow I felt my vocabulary is limited today.... Probably I'm feeling a bit lazy today)... paused...

So yeah, plenty of things to do when I go back onshore, plenty of financial planning and bills to pay, 'things to pick up', plan for my father's 70th birthday..  Oh there's a lot of things that needs doing.  Plenty on my plate.  I'm definitely having a belated New Year's Day with my baby.  Perhaps having a walk by the beach or something like that...  I've been imagining myself more on the beach despite overlooking the sea every single day and night that I am here.  I blame SSC (super secret confidante) for this...  Her imaginary walk on the beach under the night light of the moon sounds pretty good....  (paused & saved & logged off)

I will be also be quite busy being back in the office soon.  And I think I'm pretty much starting from scratch because I'll be doing a different job than I am being offshore.  So that's something I'm half heartedly looking forward with.  I miss my office, I miss being in one, I miss being surrounded by land, I miss my colleagues but somehow, I don't miss the atmosphere of the office...  Sometimes it is just too... 'staffy', get it..?  Urgh nevermind...  My first lame attempt of a joke of the year....

Actually today is the third day of the new year...  and I just remembered something...

2008 Resolution
Sell off one of my cars (done)
Gain muscle mass (not done)
Lose fat (sooooo not done)
Be a little pious (been quite the devil this year - taubat tah!) - outstanding... opps!
Get a motobike licence already! (I'm such a lazy twat!) - I think I'll delay this for a couple of years
Get my house ready. Ready for Hari Raya too! - on track-ish
Reduce credit card expenses - nope, still the same
Promotion (again - greedy me) - waiting for the right time, but I'm a little apprehensive
Wake up early by myself (for god sake, do it just once will you?!) - more or less-ish....

That was my 2008 Resolution.  One done, two 'more or less'-ish and plenty of not done...  Just to prove to myself more that resolutions means twat to me.  That's because that, I have done some reflecting something about myself that if change is what I want, do it now.  We don't need a starting date target or a finish date...  We change, we grow at our own pace, of course, improvement needs to be measured.  But nevertheless, resolution is not that important...  As they say, if you're thinking about it, you're already 99% there....

So anyway, I've been rambling unnecessarily now, so I better get a move on and leave it till that.  Until then, take care and ciao baby! 


Anonymous said…
I've read my own blog... gawd my english is deteriorating... gawd... what's wrong with me!
Anonymous said…
Hahaha! You read and be the first one to comment in this post? Hahaha.

Meh. It is not my fault that you are thinking of beaches a lot, you are just easy enough to influence wahahaha :p now, m going to make it my mission to make you LOVe ice cream. teehee ;)
Anonymous said…
I'm easy to please SS... I mean Anonymous LOL... Make me LOVE ice cream... c'mon, you expect me not to read between the lines... LOL... hehehe...

It's not that I don't have a sweet tooth, it's just that I hate the tingling/painful sensation of eating an ice cream...

Kellaz@Not ice cream lover...

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