A Slap to the Face

It is a funny story.

Last night while I was finishing up watching the last four episode of 90210.  I saw my construction supervisor climbing down from the bunk bed and going to the toilet.  But instead of going back to bed, he came to me, and I pulled out my earphones.  He said he couldn't sleep and wanted a late morning the next day.  He was having a bad pain on his shoulder, and it was throbbing.  He couldn't sleep.  So I said, okay, and I asked if he had a hot oil to ease the pain and he said no.  

I remembered on one of the trip offshore, Aiedee brought some hot oil for his back.  Knowing that Aiedee just had slept, I didn't mind waking him up.  So I went up to his bed, open the bed curtains and woke him up.  He looked up at me, and I asked "Dee, ada you bawa Yoko-Yoko yang dulu tu?" (Translation:  Dee, did you bring the Yoko -Yoko (a brand of hot oil) the last time?" referring to the last trip).  He looked up at me, but it was dark so I couldn't see his face, and kept saying "Ahh?  Apa?  Apa? (Translation: Ahh?  What?  What? *panicking*).  

I think I repeated the same question about another five times, and then all of a sudden, he slapped me.  It wasn't painful or anything, it was more of a graze, but it made a *pap* sound, I was shocked.  Then he said "Aku fikir aku mengingau!" (Translation: "I thought I was sleepwalking/talking!").  For a quick moment, I thought to myself, as I touched my face, hang on!  If you're sleep talking or walking, won't I be the one who would slap you?  And then I quickly ask... "Dee, kenapa kau tampar aku?"  (Translation: "Dee, why did you slap me?").  His face was still looked puzzled.  "Apa?"  (Translation: "What?")  As if we denying what he just did...

I couldn't help it... I burst into laughter, and he laughed too...  "Sorry bro, aku pun tak tau kenapa aku tampar you!"  (Translation:  "Sorry bro, I didn't even know why I slapped you!").  I wasn't angry, it was funny to me...  After that he pointed out to his locker... telling me the oil was there...  We continued laughing...  And now, he's some how proud that he had the guts to slap his boss!  He shall pay!  Aiedee, you will pay for what you had done!  LOL!  I think he was shocked, because he just fell asleep and I woke him up all of a sudden, he didn't know what to do and panic, and I suppose he wanted to reach out in the dark, maybe to know if the black shadow was really me.  

8th January, the day when I was suppose to go home, I got a slap from my friend...   That was a dear diary moment for me...

As you might be aware, I've changed this song on my blog, wait for it to buffer and listen to it out loud.  I've heard of this song plenty of times, but I never took the time or cared to really listen to it or to know the name of the song.  I remembered watching the music video, showing Michael Buble audition funny weird people for some sort of show.  And recently I downloaded a few of Michael Buble's songs for my listening pleasure.  I was actually looking for 'Feeling Good', because it has been a while since I last heard it.  And out of boredom, I downloaded more Michael Buble's songs and even Christmas songs.  And when I was editing the titles in iTunes, I clicked this song and damn, it is now officially entered my list favourite songs.  

So I dedicate this song to first and foremost,  Zee, and to each and everyone of my readers.  I would also like to extend my dedication to YKW.  I know, I know, it's over and all of that.  And I'm not in love with YKW.  But this song some reminds me fondly of YKW.  This song is for all the good times that we shared and the wonderful memories we had together.  And that is the only way, I wanted to remember us as.  I guess, two years had passed me so fast and memories floods quickly and it just makes me happy.  I am truly happy to be with my new love.  I feel like serenading my baby with this song...  It is a well written song and it makes you feel all giddy and good inside.  Doesn't it?  

So two more days on this steel iron island on stilts.  I am so looking forward to go home.  Oh, I almost forgot, I received some bad news from my eldest brother today, my mum is very sick, but he said it is nothing serious, but he told me that I should go home when I get back onshore.  It's weird, my sisters and other siblings didn't say anything...  It's been hanging on my mind tonight.  I know I hate my mum, well the right word is be that I hated my mum, but I don't hate her anymore or even if I do, I don't hate her that much to not care.  I do care.  I do care for my family, but it is just that, to care for others, is to take good care of yourself first.  Don't you think?  

So anyway, take care and Ciao!  More news to come....  Oh I haven't got around to post pictures of my room..  Being quite the lazy bones, I have been...


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