Smashing Extended Weekend

Gong Xi Fa Chai to my chinese readers, if so happen to read this...

It is an extended weekend for most asian countries that are celebrating Chinese New Year.  And it is the year of the Ox.  That means that my eldest brother is 36 years old this year.  How I know this, because there are 12 animals in the chinese zodiac, so I'm 30, and my brother couldn't be 24!

Anyway, we have been hitting the pubs and clubs, and I was completely smashed.  And yesterday was the best!  Yes, I was up to no good, and I'm not proud of it.  But I had an absolutely smashing time.  It was wonderful, it was great.  We were dancing all night long...  Trying not to sound like Lionel Ritchie.  The aftermath was not fun though, but yesterday was the night to remember.  Something I realise that you don't have to look good to pull, you only need the idiocy in you to come up and be all crazy and have lots of fun, and people will definitely flock to you, and thanks to my two great friends, they protected me as per my request before I went all out.  I didn't want to wake up in somebody else's bed!  Be it a naughty thing I have been, I have been a very very very good boy...  Hard to believe, but it is true!

And we did arrive all safe and sound to the hotel.  So anyway, here I am at Starbucks at MBK looking at the jaded people or should I say shopping people passing by.  Enjoying my Caramel Latte and Double Chocolate Muffin.  My friend's off meeting an old friend of his.  And I'm left to my own devices.  Yesterday we went to Jatujak!  We didn't shop for much, I suppose, when it is your 4th or 5th visit there, it became less interesting than it used to be.  But it was great, a great place to find things and *ehem* people.  Thailand is a great place.  Bangkok is fantastic.  Thai people are very welcoming and polite.  Me and my friend recently talked about the culture differences  between Brunei and Thailand.  Not much, but we notice here how much people smile to strangers, be it a local or a tourist, everybody smiles here.  Land of smiles.  And we often wonder why Bruneians don't do much smiling.  My friend told me that there seemed to be a thinking or a feeling that one is inferior or a loser when we smile.  I say that's full of crap.  How can a smile which often makes someone else feel much better makes oneself makes yourself inferior! 

Ridiculous right?!  But anyway, there are soooo many things I wanted to write here, but I just couldn't find the words to describe it, and just about a while ago a dragon dance just passed by with the drums and what-not that goes with it.  Fantastic...  Life is good, life is great at this time.  I wouldn't want it any other way.  Till then, wish you are having a good life as well, if not, I'll pray for you.  Take care and Ciao!


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