Offshore & Sleep Depravation

I enjoyed my quick break during the weekend, but not really.

I came back onshore and touched down Anduki Airport at about quarter past five. My brother was already standing by, waiting for me. I spent a little more of an hour in his place just talking about the going-ons since my absence. Then it was back to bandar. I arrived pretty late. I didn't know what to do. But then again, I was relieved to be back home.

When I left offshore at that time, I had a mixed feeling, happy and sad. Although there are many boring parts of offshore and other negative things or how much it sucks, there have been a lot of sweet memories. Also, it is a big change for me to be sitting behind the desk. But I'll think about that when the time comes. I've made some good friends here and I cherish their friendship. But all of that will end soon. My desk job is waiting for me in the office. I'm sure I'll be a little awkward after being away from the office for quite a while. I guess, like the saying goes, "You'll never know what you miss, until it's gone".

But now, I'm offshore again, but I'm not staying overnight, I'm daily tripping as they call it. I'm here to assist my replacement, just in case. Actually, I can't wait for this trip. And indeed, I am happy to be here, and luckily, because everything that could go wrong today, did. And everyone is treating me like I've never left. Work-wise that is. Everybody is reporting to me, instead of my replacement. It feels nice that people recognise my work. I guess, the team which I have lead for the last 11 months was my legacy. Although right now, it doesn't feel like that yet. Anyway, there's a personal reason why I am so happy to be here. I wanted to share it with you but it's very personal. I just want to capture it here in my blog, so that I can remember it for the rest of my life. I can be quite the secretive guy...

Going back on my weekend, my weekend was a little quiet, believe it or not. On Saturday night, I went with my brother and his wife to watch Benjamin Button. I must say, that is a good movie. And I love Cate Blanchett. She is absolutely sublime in that movie. I'd give the movie a 8.5 out of 10. The story line makes us think about our life. And besides the point of someone getting younger, it reminds me of Forrest Gump. It makes me think about my life, and actually I can relate to many of the movie plots.

Honestly, and this is the absolute truth about me, when I was 16, I looked like someone in his late 30's. At one time, I came to pick my brother who was still in Engineering college at his hostel, his friends told him that his older brother is coming to pick him up. And there's another time people are asking how many kids did I have. Another one, my brother's friend asked him, "How come your older brother (abang) didn't know how to drive?" Even my mother said I looked old. I was dark, fat with oily patches on my face, I looked absolutely appalling.

But now, people guess my age as 25-28 years old, when I am already 31, which is good, well I like to think it is anyway... Some of my old or childhood friends didn't even recognise me, because I look nothing like my teenage years. When I was a teenager, I didn't take good care of my skin, I never wore jeans, I was never stylish. But now that I have my own money to spend, I spend it on good clothes and took particularly good care of my skin. Thus, my vanity.

I'm a late bloomer in many ways. Back then, I was a little too mature for my age, I found freedom only just recently, and only for the last half a decade that I have been living my life. Gawd, how did this post stray to talk about me instead. Oh yeah, the second part of this post is about my sleep depravation. I have not been sleeping well, recently, I don't really know why, but perhaps, I still have issues about my crush and my disappointment with that crush. i don't know. And yesterday, since I was so excited to go offshore, I only manage to catch 45 minutes of sleep. And even though I am tired as hell. I am really over the moon to be here.

So anyway, it's lunch time, I've had the 'best' lunch ever! LOL... And my flight will be at 3p.m later.... I don't know what I'm ranting about, so anyway, I'll leave you to that... Until then, take good care of yourself and Ciao!


Anonymous said…
macam cerita ugley dakling saja beh..hehehe..
now next step supaya jadi mcm fairy tale is to find a princess and lip hepili eva apta~~
Mirda Ahmad said…
Tahniah kerana sudah mula untuk mengenali diri anda. Pada pandangan aku tentang lelaki, biasanya lelaki lambat matang walaupun telah berusia. Tidak hairanlah kalau ramai lelaki yang sudah berumur 30 tahun tetapi masih lagi berfikiran muda dari usia. hahah jangan marah kalau aku gunakan perkataan keanak-anakan! hahahahhah ahahhahah

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