One Over the Other

It is weird that my thoughts are working best when I am sitting on the porcelain throne. Out of recent personal experience, I am seeking the meaning of love and most importantly, where and how these feelings can come about. But I do know one thing for sure, that shares the first letter of the word love. Lust.

Do lust play a significant factor in love? Or is it love that plays a significant role over lust? I’m sure love at first sight is based on lust. Then again, the whole reason of flirting and courtship is based on lust, and then come love. Or is it love really truly exist in the essence during courtship? And lust only thereafter? All of us are judged by the covers despite the saying not to. It is something we call as first impression. Impression by sight, that is. I think lust is the motivating factor in love. Lust is the first impression of love.

Statistics and researchers have found that humans are prone to use sight as their first impression. Purely out of the convenience. It is readily available and from past experiences and mindsets, we can form opinions based on sight alone. So I guess that is why nowadays there is so much effort on being fit and looking good. So people can love us for what we look like. Is that so true? Would you agree? So say, if I don’t take good care of my skin and eat as much as I like, I would find a partner as easy as a fit and good looking hunk? Perhaps. But I wonder what would the odds of that to be true.

I try (and try is the operative word here) to look good and keep fit, so I can attract and be loved, so is that enough? I am very vain because of this. But of course, I can do only to a certain extent. C’mon, I don’t think I could ever look exactly like Brad Pitt. Or could I? I’m digressing, so anyway, can love exist without lust. I guess it can, when it is forced upon, like the case of arranged marriages. Then again, after the marriage, lust should play a role; otherwise, the marriage won’t work. I mean, building a family, etc. Or can it be just be purely mechanical? That one has to do something in order to achieve something? Can we separate our emotions away from physical reality of it all? So many questions remain unanswered.

Why am I asking this? Say, if I am not attracted to you, does that mean, I don’t have lust for you? Thus, I don’t love you? Or could still I love you without all the attraction and lust for you? You, in this aspect are my dear readers. I wanted to know if lust really does play a role in love. Or lust is the consequence of love? I do know that lust can exist without love, but can love exist without lust?

Anyway, enough thoughts… I think it is getting a wee to deep for me. Let’s talk about my day… My birthday was quiet. Just the way I like it, but I tell people that today (yesterday) was my birthday to get discounts. Well I did actually. I got myself two pendants with chains with very generous discounts. I even got myself and a friend some supplements using my birthday to get discounts… But I felt a little bored on my birthday as everyone is working. I felt a tad alone, but I guess, I’m used to that. So anyway, I did something about it, I called up my brother-in-law for a small get-together and subsequently called both my brothers and their spouses for a small dinner. And my youngest sister bought me a cake as a surprise! That was really nice of them, and it tasted marvelous… who would say no to a moist dark sultry chocolate cake!? No? Party Poop!

So this weekend, I am planning a full-blown family get-together again. I am thinking of having a family luncheon than dinner for a change. January, February and March is a great time to celebrate birthdays in my family. The next big celebration would be in June/July; both of my brothers and some of my nieces and nephews are having their birthday in that period. So cakes galore! The blessing in these get-togethers is that, we bond as a family. My family isn’t much of a unit. They are more on each other’s nerves and necks than a co-operating unit. Oh well, that’s family eh? A family isn’t much of a family without the drama I suppose. Digressing… So yes, my birthday… I got a gift, from my date! Only one birthday gift this year… But better that than nothing. It is a lovely stacked picture frame. Oh, my date might be something serious in the near future. It’s good. We’ve discussed this recently and I guess things are going well. And no, don’t expect wedding bells soon! LOL! Let’s not go there.

So anyway, I've run out of things to say, so until then, take care and Ciao!


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