Passing By

Days just pass by me so fast. Pass by us even. Look at us, we're almost in the middle of March heading slowly towards April. Where the hell happened to January and February.... It just zipped past us that quickly. We're about to end the first quarter of the year... Sigh...

And before we know it, it will be New Year 2010. Oh well, like the saying that we usually say to ourselves, stop counting the eggs before they hatch. So what's up with me lately, the answer to that is nothing much. There isn't much to say, but I guess, I'll update this blog for my readers.

I've been busy entertaining Aiedee, well, it doesn't take a lot to entertain this guy, but everything is kind of routine with him. It's actually really nice to be in his company and vice versa, and truth to be told, I'm kind of missing him now. He just got his flight this evening, and it's been quiet all of a sudden. Although I must admit, lately he's been quiet. A bit. Something on his mind I suppose.

Last night (that's Monday Night), Kafi, Aiedee and myself had sushi at Escapade in Gadong. And I am still feeling full up till now. I can hardly eat now... But I did have some food today :) Speaking of food, I will try (being the operative word) to keep my food consumption down. I need to lose more weight. I've gained a few kilos since Miri and followed by a buffet on my luncheon birthday celebration, followed by sushi... Oh god, the eating felt never ending. So I need to cut down a bit. I've been going to the toilets up to 4 times a day.... It is not that I am having diarrhea, but when there's a lot of consumption, there should be a lot of waste. So my best friend and I got to talk about eating properly and supplements (in this case muscle building supplements). I think I've wrote something about losing weight, but I also wanted to gain some muscle, this time round.

No, not like those bodybuilder kind of muscles, just to shape up, look and be fit. Not skinny and scrawny like I did in 2005. We were also talking about making the time up and discussing about workouts. Workouts are not just purely physical, most people think it's just that. But it involves our psychology, discipline and determination/motivation. Which lots of people inclusive of myself, lack of. For once, I wanted to stop looking at good looking bodies and wishing that I have that kind of body. I wanted to do something about it that... I'm not promising all that six packs abs to be out... but I can try... right?

I'm ranting unnecessarily now, so that's it from me, until then, take care and Ciao!


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