Day Trip

Tomorrow I will be day tripping onshore.  To attend an unconfirmed meeting.

So after Sahur this morning, I will just prepare myself ready for my flight back onshore, the standby time is at 0545 hrs.  I don't know how the meeting will go and take on, but it's to prepare my new replacement offshore.  According to my onshore boss, he said that he'll be my back-to-back and my day off will be in the office, I suppose that's fair enough but I just hope that I get at least a day or two real off days to recover my time offshore.  

So tomorrow will be the eventual decision of how my rota will look like.  I have a mixed feeling about it.  I don't like being in the office, I suppose I still am emotionally scarred by how my office mates perceive me as the slacker.  However, I'm doing my best offshore to prove that I am not.  If anybody understands me, I was just going through a really bad patch during the first few months of the year.  And consequently, I gave up on my work and sort of became a slacker in the office.  The situation with my bosses and all, didn't help either.  But I know at the end of the day, it's my mistake, and I just hope my bosses can see that I am redeeming my mistakes.

I actually did very very well offshore than I was in the office, there are times in the office that I felt like an alien, a foreigner of some sort, like I don't belong there.  Perhaps that's just my scar talking.  I've got nothing against my colleagues, but I'm not looking forward to sit and work in the office anymore.  Perhaps that will change as I go along, but at this current moment, I'm enjoying the things I learn offshore.  I appreciate it much better now, despite my fear of it, at the beginning of it.

So anyway, I suppose it will be inevitable, that I will have to work in the office eventually where I belong.  But hopefully my feelings and my emotional scar will pass.  So what else is new with me, tonight I started running, well, walking fast is more like it.  As much as I tried not to stuff my face with food, I felt bloated.  So I suppose it was a bad idea to eat and then run.  I didn't felt like puking out my food but, it was quite an uncomfortable run.  So considering that I walked fast, the timing was a little bit off.  But still almost near to my running time.  It is weird that my running in comparison to my fast walk, is only about 5-7 minutes difference.  So I think I would do that a lot, run-jog-run-jog routine that I mention in my previous post.  My timing was 74 minutes fast walk and some run for about 10.5 kms.  I thought to myself, not bad....

I did weights, high reps, low settings and I'm getting the hang of it.  I wanted to work on my shoulders and chest.  Bunny buddy Billy (my best friend) always say, our chest is the crown of our torso as our hair to our head.  So I thought, yeah, he's right.  Oh, speaking about hair, I am contemplating about cutting my hair.  It's not that long, but my sides are a little longer that covers the top or my ears and it's quite uncomfortable.  I'm thinking that I'll just crop it all.  So I can't decide if I should mould my hair to a stylish cut or to just crop it all.  My gut feeling is to just crop it all.  I suppose I should... Sigh!

When we were waiting for the break of fast, Aidee (My MatCo) and Khidir (My Rigger) were talking about food.  And Aidee mention about drinking fresh sugar cane for break of fast.  And I thought I should get some when I am onshore tomorrow.  But I just can't buy it for us, so I might get a few bottles of it so that I can share with other tables, it would look bad that if we had a bottle and just shared it amongst us.  Someone would see us and want one and dire for one, so I'm thinking 5 bottles will do.  So that's in my shopping list tomorrow.  I miss the Ramadhan food stalls.  Be sure I'll make a visit tomorrow.  

Today, I see fresh faces (today is a crew change) and I get to see some fresh smiling familiar faces, and they look so keen during the break of fast.  This is their first break of fast offshore, I mean, not their first ever, but their first time round.  I suppose yesterday they had their families with them, and now they have a different kind of family here.  

I know I'm jumping topics here, but coming back to my onshore-offshore rota, I think the silver lining behind it is that now, I have ample time to get my house construction moving.  I have to to look at it and make sure everything is going as planned.  I need to talk to my estate manager so that she can get my contract drafted and signed.  This also mark the beginning of a long spell of short of cash in my hand.

Nevertheless, I am happy with my achievement.  I'm not sure how many 30 single year old guy, who is on his way to build his dream house.  I know a few guys single in their 30's but they got settled in their 30 plus age.  Next I suppose is marriage, but I don't think I'm ready for that either, not because of I don't want to settle down, but more of financial reasons.  Commitment reasons, that's still questionable, but I suppose everything in good timing.  No need to rush for things that will affect my life and others.  So when it is time, it's time, when the times doesn't come, I'd just have to accept it the way it is...  

So anyway, enough rambling, I think I better go to bed now and have some sleep, I have a long long day ahead of me.  Until then, you take care, happy fasting, happy 'sahur'-ing, be safe, eat moderately and Adios!  (Oh I haven't uploaded pictures of the new moon into my laptop yet, and also I found pictures of the location where I am, there really nice pictures, will upload them in this blog soon, so again, Adios peeps!)

p/s:  I feel lonely, drop me a comment or two, to entertain me... thanks...


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