Fasting Month

Fasting will commence tomorrow.  Tuesday, 2nd of September.

Whereas the 'rest' of the world starts fasting today.  I've never fast offshore before, and it's a good experience for me.  And it will be a challenge for me this time round.  Having a half marathon next month, I will have to train hard during the fasting period.  This also means that I might have to give Tarawikh prayers a miss.  Because I can't run before the breaking of fast like I did, two years ago.  I have a meeting to attend to at 5 p.m.  So that means, I will have to run after six, about half hour before the breaking of fast, which is good enough, at least I can replenish my body mid run.  After my run, I will need the rest and I couldn't eat just yet to let my body rest.  So my only time to eat will be at 9 p.m. 

And gawd, it's September already.  How time flies.  Oh by the way, my back-to-back has arrived already.  And according to my onshore bosses, he will replace me, which means, I will be his back-to-back.  So the likelihood of me being onshore most of the time is high.  So this mean that during Eid (Hari Raya AidilFitri), I might be onshore.  I seriously do not want that.  I want to be offshore.  So I have to think contingency now.   Am thinking to go Bangkok or Jakarta.  But that will ruin my training, because I will be running my race on the 12th October.  So I seriously wish that during Raya, I will be here offshore instead.

Perhaps the arrangement will be that my 'replacement' will agree to a rota for us to work on.  Maybe we'll have two weeks on and off.  But our off days we will need to be in the office.  But that is still in the process.  I'm not sure where this is going.  Oh the uncertainty is making me dizzy.  But whatever the decision is going to be, I will have to accept it.  

Accept, enjoy and be enthusiastic.  That all I need to do to enjoy my being.  Life is all thoughts and emotions.  Add the ego to it, and you'll be living your so-called life.  Life is much more that that, isn't it?  What is the reason of our living?  Exclude religion or other thoughts for a moment.  Just for a moment.  And ask yourself what is the reason for your life, your purpose of life.  To live.  So enjoy living I suppose, accept that the world is screwed up and be enthusiastic in whatever you do.  That's all.

Look at me giving advices.  Such a hypocrite, I can be...  So there's nothing much I can say except for... Until then, take care, be safe and Adios!


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