Malas is Malay for Lazy

I've contracted a diseases called Malas.

I'm feeling so lazy recently.  I have not been running much since the absence of my iPod.  Somehow my 'energy' comes from it.  So tomorrow onwards, I should be back to my 3-1-3-1 running-rest routine.  

Without it, I get tired a little sooner than usual.  At about, half way my run, I'm already exhausted.  But with the iPod and especially with my Shure headphones, I run at 8 kms, fast pace, no problem.  I need it so bad, but at the same time, I don't want to trouble people to send my iPod, at least 5 change of hands will be made until it finally came to my arrives offshore.  It's such a hassle.  And not just that, I'll be making people run errands unnecessarily.  I mean, people are busy, they have their life to live, their wonderful life onshore.  Don't mind silly forgetful me offshore...

So what did I do today, I watched a DVD "Bad Money" and a movie "Disturbia".  Oh, I think I'm going to be write a stale review of movies I watched tonight.  "Bad Money" starring, Diane Keaton, Queen Latifah and Katie Holmes, a comedy of three ladies robbing the state bank, but it's not called robbing, as the money they stole are money to be disposed of, by the bank.  

It's all the basic funny stuff that goes with robbing.  At the end, it gives the impression that robbing is not that bad, provided that you live from a money deprived life.  I give it a 6 out of 10 mostly because I love Queen Latifah

However, "Disturbia", I'd be quick to say, a must-watch!  Starring Shia LaBeouf, the kid from the "Transformer" movie.  A kid, who was tragically watched his dad killed in a car accident when he was driving, he had issues about it, and as the story lines goes, he punched his spanish teacher and got himself into a house arrest.  So he spent his time watching going-ons in his neighbourhood.  Cut the story short he found out that his neighbour was a serial killer...  So I'll leave it to that...  Don't want to spoil the story in case, my readers decided to buy the DVD.  I gave it 9 out of 10.  Perhaps 8.  I'm in liking the story perhaps I know how it feels to be house arrested, in my case, platform arrest, bounded by the bountiful South China Sea.

Nothing much to report.  Fasting by day, and stuffing my face by night, with little or no running...  Tried to called a few friends, but to no avail, some are not answering, some rejected, some engaged and some unreachable, non returned my calls.  I feel so left out.  Who cares, huh?  Bollocks to the World, Bollocks to you, World!  (I'm not saying that in an angry tone, more like happy to say "bollocks" - my favourite word of all time!)  So that's about it.  Take care, be safe, bollocks... and of course, Adios!


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