
It is amazing what the power of Facebook can bring to you.

From Facebook, adds upon other adds of friends, my past caught up with me and I got to contact one old schoolmates after another and then another.  My childhood memories seems so long ago and forgotten that I even fail to recognise my own face when I was a child in one of the picture.  But anyway, it was so nice to see them again, even though just in pictures.  

Most of them are married with children, which made me think that I am coming close to my eligible expiration date... LOL, otherwise, I'd be this single old man, living in an empty dusty house with lots of junk, and found dead after 3 days or something like that... Which might happen, who knows?  

But most noticeable of all, most of the girl schoolmates I went with, they are GORGEOUS!!  They've blossomed into this absolutely stunning women (and mostly married! Sigh!)  When we were at school I guess, everyone seems geeky and nerdy.  But I'm stunned!  They turned out amazingly gorgeous.  But then I look at myself, nope, no changes there... same ol' me.  LOL...  But there's something positive about it though, some people tell me that I haven't changed (physically) except for the losing weight bit.  So people remember me as when I met them at that point in time, but the problem is I get "hello"s and "hi"s, whom I recognise from my past but have forgotten  what their name was and where I met them from.  But I knew that we were at one point friends or friend of a friend kinda thing...  I'm not alone in this one, am I?

And there was this one picture taken in 1982.  I was four in Kindergarden 2.  I can't even find myself in the picture, but I know, I've seen that picture before, I remember that picture being taken, but even so, looking at the pictures, I cried (tears of joy, that was).  I was trying to relate that boy (which I think it was me) that grew up into this (pointing at me!)  And I was remembering all the things that have come in my life, that made me from that boy to this boy man that I am today.  It has been a crazy ride.  I wish I can go back to the past and tell him to erase the mistakes that I have done in the past...  Then again, mistakes of the past are our best teachers.  I'm ranting, aren't I?!

So anyway... yes... the girls have blossomed indeed.  Gorgeous!  Absolutely Stunningly Gorgeous!  And Married!  LOL...  Until then, to the wonderful past and to amazing future, take care and Ciao!


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