Nuthin' Much

Life has been pretty much routine and without much significance at the current moment.

It's waking up, work, lunch, work, run and sleep.  I'm not complaining that it is routine, it's okay, I guess.  I suppose I am in my reality phase.  So I'm just going with the flow.  Oh by the way, my running has improved, I could run 9km/h for half hour non-stop.  My chest seems firmer after doing weights.  And my weight has gone down 3 kilos from when I started to a nice 75 kgs.  

Although I must admit I have been having difficulties sleeping.  It's not that I couldn't sleep, as I was sleepy and tired at most nights, but I find myself tossing and turning.  My best guess is my bed is not comfortable and with squarish pillows just don't do the job properly.  I miss my queen size bed and fluffy pillows at home.  In fact, I miss my nephews at home, and my brother with his wife.  For some unknown and weird reason, I find myself missing home more on this shift offshore.  I just wanna go home.  But oh well, there's so much I can do at this point in time.  I'll just persevere the next six days, stomach it all in and just go with the flow.

I am in desperate need of a manicure and pedicure, wax my back, because I am starting to look like a bear and my eyebrows needs meticulous plucking because it's starting to look quite bushy.  Yeah, yeah, I know...  I'm vain.  But I suppose women would appreciate men like me more, as I groom myself better.  But there is a fine line when a guy becomes vainer than the woman, then it pisses them off for some reason.  And I've started to notice that the wrinkle lines on my forehead is starting to develop and getting much more visible.  I guess, age is catching up with me.  Wrinkles on a man's face show character and maturity I suppose, but it does look a little annoying.  It starting to look like the famous Adidas three stripe on my forehead (okay, an exaggeration there) but it would be nice if I'd lose them.  Yes, I know!  I'm vain...  Oh, I've just read that one of the culprit of premature forehead wrinkles is smoking... Damn!  

Speaking of smoking, I only brought 4 packs for my offshore shift this time, two packs for each week.  And so far, I'm on my third pack.  Which is good.  And since I started running again, I've been smoking far less now, the urge doesn't seem to be that great anymore...  Wish me luck on that one...  I just remembered something I said to a colleague recently, " I used to smoke for fun, but now, with work, I smoke to survive."  Just shows you how frustrating and stress in my line of work.  But I'm not going to defend myself with smoking, but in all honesty, when people convene and talk or discuss during smoking, people or colleagues are much easier to talk, because I suppose the nicotine suppresses the anxiety or the stress and things get sorted out faster and easier.  Here, offshore, people are funnier and approachable  in the smoking room than they are outside this area...   Go figure eh?

For someone who has nothing much to say, I did write quite a lot.  Well, that's ranting for ya'.  So anyway, at least I hope you guys had much fun reading my updates even so it's nothing much.  Until then, take care of your good self and Ciao!


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