Happy Working Anniversary

I was quite busy for the past few days that I fail to notice the date yesterday.  Yesterday was my 8th Working Anniversary.  

I have been working in this company for eight years.  Another two more years, insyaallah, it will be a decade.  It has been quite a ride.  Somehow I felt like it was only a few years when I signed the contract with the HR.  I can still remember how naive I was back then.  I immediately made friends with my colleagues, and the first who I knew that had welcomed me was Azizan, who is now a colleague in my current department and Nana, at that time they were both in the same department, which is different from mine but it just so happen that our departments were next to each other.

When I arrived to the office on my first day, everything was all jumbled up, it looks chaotic.  They were having an office move.  Not long after that, I understand that the company was going through some kind of re-structuring.  Previously the organisation was more of a  functional structure, they change due to, if I am not mistaken, it was to improve the integrity and ownership issues.  

I came during the transition.  And now it is a Asset and Service orientated.  And in my personal view, it is much better...  It is like a working company in the company itself, does that sound right?  Its too lengthy to elaborate, but if you wanted to know more, you can ask the corporate affairs for info.  

Eight years, I've transferred and moved to three departments and some during my graduate engineering training I got attached at other department for the first few years of my employment.  I like to think that I've done well so far, that I did well.  I've learnt a lot, and I've gain a lot of knowledge and expertise.  But I'm not that good in what I do.  I'm not an expert in anything, yet.  I have a problem, which I need to improve.  I am easily bored with what I am doing, when I knew how to do it already, I lost interest and wanted to move and learn new things after that.  I'm hungry for experience and knowledge I suppose.  

But what I should have done, is that upon discovering new processes and good at it, I should be able to find new innovative solution to improve the process.  The organisation I am in, encourage us to do things like that, of course like all improved changes, work processes change and we have to manage that too.  Processes and procedures can easily change, work cultures and people is a different story.  So that is why we have to manage the people that own those processes.

But anyhow, eight years had passed by.  I am thankful.  It will only be two days left till the time I arrive back home.  I can't wait.  So anyway, enough pointless ranting.  Until then, take care and Ciao.


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