
As the result of my poll vote, majority of my reader "likes" my colour scheme.  Which is not enough for my readers.  I want them to love my blog... LOL...  

So I am still surfing around to look for a template for my blog, something that makes my readers go WOW!  LOL...  So pending on my internet blog template search, this blog will be under continuous improvement soon.  But don't worry, it'll still be here and updated as and when I am free.  Today, is MY belated Silver Jubilee National Day celebration, so I am on a day off work.  I woke up pretty early, at about 9a.m.  And it has been quite a busy day indeed.  

First off, to have lunch with my insurance agent, I was in late payment for the past four months and she came to collect the money.  I already had the intention of paying but you know, once you got off the next month, to delay it another month...  Basically, I was procrastinating.  I had to go to Bandar, to pay direct to the office cashier.  Then a second lunch (but I didn't have food this time round) with my brother.  I made a deal with my brother to accompany him to the Tutong District to renew his car's road tax.  Reason it is being done in Tutong was because he wanted it to be quick.  And indeed it was quick.  Kudos to Tutong JPD (Land Transport Department) for their good and job.  Your effort is sincerely noted and appreciated.  Well Done!!!

After that, we went to QQeStore to enquire about my iPod Nano, they told me they have it but it was in Gadong Branch.  We went for a quick stopping over to pick up my brother's sons from school.  I wanted the iPod so much because it was a good day to run and since I am not working, I have the chance to run.  Tomorrow will be a different story, because I will be coming back late from work and I won't have time to run.  So, my brother sent me back to my car, he zoomed off home to send his kids and prepare himself to run, I went to Gadong Centrepoint to pick up the iPod, came back home, downloaded the songs to the iPod.  Everything seems very smooth at this point.  Until, I came to look for my iPod Nano holder armband.  I couldn't find it.  I looked for it, until 7p.m.  I was frustrated.  I gave up because it was way too late to run.  So feeling disappointed, I decided to go online.  I picked up the laptop...  And there it was!  The armband was under the laptop!  I silently screamed!  (basically I mimed a scream).  

So tomorrow, I hope I can go home early from work to run.  I miss running, I don't really like running on the treadmill, there's no wind, i.e. cooling factor during running.  Hopefully the weather is permissible.  Anyway, so much for my diary moment post...  My thoughts of today, I just had dinner with my two elder brothers and their wives (respectively, that is), and enjoyed it.  I miss my family, I miss my siblings, although at this current moment one sibling is being ridiculous.  My younger sister decided to disown us.  My brothers understand that she was not in the right mind, but it does make them angry...  For me, I find it HILARIOUS!!!  I know my younger sister really well, and for her to disown her own family is the funniest JOKE I have ever heard.  She could barely stand on her two feet (i.e. being independent) and she wanted to disown her siblings and parents?  Is she kidding us?

Ahh, family eh?  Every family have their own stories and this is mine.  I know that this 'topic' is personal but, for me it's way too funny to be personal.  My family is a crazy one.  Total nut heads!  And I'm part of it, and I love them for being nuts!  I suppose I love them because they are crazy, I love them in my own personal way.  There are times when they screw you good and leave you in pieces, but there are also times when the make you feel good inside.  I am a nutter myself.  So I know how nuts I am too...  

I am enjoying the togetherness that we are having, there will be times when we will be at each other's necks, shaking the lives out of each other...  And I guess, that's family...  So enough thoughts....  To Families...  May they screw you good.... LOL.... Until then take good care of yourself and your family.... and Ciao!


Anonymous said…
i will call it the pisang blog from now on. hehhe. ijau saja bah babe liat.
Anonymous said…
of all the fruits in the world.... babe babe.... sigh hehehe

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