Sunset Past

I'm sad.

My trusty iPod Nano is broken.  I have already bought a new one online.  My iPod Nano is the only thing I use that was gift by my ex for Valentine's/Birthday present and it's a reminder of the good times we had together.  It still works, but the dial doesn't work at all, so I can't play it, can't do anything with it...  It started not working about a few days ago.  I have been using Aiedee's iPod nano to run with.  

The other thing that I used to have on was a lava lamp which was a gift from my ex.  But the night when we broke up, the bulb blew and it's in a box now, somewhere, unused.  It's quite a sad story isn't it?  It was like a sign or something.  The iPod Nano meant a lot to me, and it saddens me more to think about throwing it out.  The ear piece has long been broken, replaced a new one, and now I have my orgasmic ear piece to use...  And now even the iPod is gone...

Oh, I'm depressed now.  I suppose it wasn't so much that it was a broken iPod, but it is a broken gift.  Oh well, some things aren't just meant to last.  A little bit like life and relationships.  It is like when people say, one door closes, another opens.  I guess it is up to us to find the door.  And each door leads to a better life.  We struggle, from one door to the next and in the end, despite a lot of heartache and suffering, we breath new air when the other new one opens.  Reborn - in a way.  I guess no one wants to stay in the same room forever.  Forever in this context seems stagnant doesn't it?  

Another door seems to open up for me soon, and this door leads me back to onshore.  I am counting the hours to go back home.  I don't know why, it is just weird that this time round, all I could think of is to go back home.  It never used to be like this, well, yes a little, but only after spending more than three weeks offshore.  And I have been here for, well, 9 days.  I guess the long onshore time I spend in the office was too long for me and I've gone comfortable with that arrangement.

I have been discussing about changing my 4 weeks onshore and 2 weeks offshore to just make it a 2 - 2 weeks rota.  Because my house is still thin in the air.  It became such a big problem to me.  I don't know how long I can keep on living with my brother, although I love staying with him, but all of us should know, when we can overstay our welcome, right?  Living with my brother is such a blessing to me.  Sometimes when siblings grow up and have their own families, there seems to be a gap.  A separation of some sort, it's hard to describe.  But now, that I am staying with my brother and spending time with him, we have become quite close, a little like when we were kids.  And it's nice, isn't it?  My brother is the quiet one in the family, and we hardly know what goes on in his head, his thoughts or feelings about anything.  But now, I have the chance to know again.  Just like when we were young.  It's good.

So anyway, work-wise at the moment has improved...  I suppose I've cleaned up all the mess from previous weeks, putting everyone on their toes and keeping the team in focus.  And for once, we're ahead of our plans for the past two days.  It is a team effort.  I have a good team with me, although lose one eye over them, they will go back to their own ways.  It can be frustrating.  But it's all good.

Things are good here, life is good, and yet I wanna go home.  I've got a feeling someone's missing me?  Oh, I guess, no one is missing me... LOL...  I've also changed the colour scheme of the blog.  Something for a change I suppose.  I didn't want to change the template, because by doing so, I would lose some of the sidebar widgets or whatever their called...  So I guess a change of colour is good enough.  Please vote whether you like it or not.  Have you forgotten?  I am ambivalent!  So anyway... I hope to hear from my reader, drop me a comment or two, or drop a line or two in the chat mix...  Feeling kinda lonely in this blog... LOL  

Until then, take care of yourself and Ciao!


Anonymous said…
kesian jua eee sedih babe baca. baru tah babe baca ani wah. so the conclusion, bali ipod touch..heheheh
Anonymous said…
I already bought another Nano... I use it to run... ipod touch is bulky as you once said hehehe

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