Just a little rant

With my new found freedom, I got the time to think and reflect about my life. A recent occurance in my life has taught me something that I have always stood by close. I forgot my own principles. One of my life principles was not to depend to someone else for anything, and always ensure that I stand on my own.

It is difficult to get back on my own two feet. It hurts, because before I have someone to always count on, to rely on, to share with but now, that particular one is gone and left me during my most vulnerable time.

However, I am thinking positive about my going on in my life. Now that as probably you might have read from Uberdream and heard on the radio that I have qualified to be in the top ten of the 60 seconds DJ on Pelangi FM. That was what the embarrasing thing that I did in my last post. I made a fool out of myself. I got panicked during the audition and lost what I wanted to say. I'm good at making friends, talking to new people, and do very well at presentations and public speeches, but at that moment in time, I lost it. I was eerr and ahhhh all the way during the audition. The other participants took me by suprise. They were really good. Some sucked like me, some were absolutely prepared and really did well. That was why I panicked. They were really good.

So anyway, wish me luck on that, there's many things to prepare and do once we get the top ten, and being a DJ is no easy job, but nevertheless it is fun. At least now that I have my own freedom, I have things to do to keep my mind away from my negative thinking. Foward and onwards. That is me!

Till then, adios amigos and amigas.


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