Training No. 3 : Find my Funny Bone

I am a serious guy? I think I am. That's because today's DJ training went quite bad on my half. My topic is relevent, actually too relevant. It's boring. It's very formal but valid at the same time. It is like my funny half is, dare I say, dead.

Maybe since I am going through certain trials and tribulation, makes me a little bit serious. With the accident and the house move, it seems that everything is less funny. I need to get my clumsy to get out and be, well, funny. When I was growing up, I used to be the joker in the family, the funny one, the teaser, the bully, the clown of the crowd. But as I grow up, I kind of grew up. Even in school I was a little popular and people think that I am funny. Always a crowd pleaser. Have I lost my humour and became a sensible adult? It's frustrating. When you know you can be funny but you can't. It's easy right? Maybe I am trying too hard to funny. Perhaps.

The scripts of the other DJs are drafting is seriously down right funny. There's this guy on of the top ten, he has the voice, he's got a radio voice. (Is there a word such as phono-genic?) He's good, he could beat our arses off in a flick, and his skrip is absolutely hilarious. But the thing is, he can't bring it to shape. I envy him. I envy another protégé , we share the same mentor and he is good at making his scripts. And its easy for him. We both have the same problem to shape the freshness and cheerness the network wanted. And if we did, we sounded a little fake (trying to hard).

I suppose age has spoiled me. It has aged me and shaped me to be the guy that I am. This serious man, I mean, it's not bad, but at this point in time I need it! Can you help me find my funny bone again?

Post Edit: The word 'Phonogenic' does not exist, but there is 'Fonogenic' which is only an online music store.... Just FYI...


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