My Life Begins Today

Somehow, I woke up early today, had the energy to wake up, no complaints. It feels like I was reborn. But I don't feel new, or good about myself. It is just like a cloud of something have been removed. I feel like I have moved on. A step forward.

I have not been entirely honest with my readers, because certain readers are also my friends and colleagues. But I feel like I need to write it here. It has been hanging in my head and taking up space. So I suppose to move on, I need to write it down. It's sort of a therapy for me.

I have just been dumped about 10 days ago after more than a year together. I have invested all my life, my trust, my friendship, everything I've got, every single ounce of my being to the relationship. I admit I had my faults and mistakes. Some really stupid ones. But just like that, I was dumped. Okey, I have to hide a few details here. But I thought to myself, after everything we've gone through, thick and thin, I deserve some dignity. But I was dumped, just like that, like a passing remark... The worst thing of all, was nothing was wrong. Nothing. Perhaps, the relationship was a burden to my other half and couldn't take it any longer. I think I was the burden whether I like it or not, I was the every ounce of burden.

Gone with the past. On with the new...

Relationships are hard. To get one is easy, maintaining a relationship, takes dedication and commitment. So it is back to square one. But not that soon... I'm still licking my wound and picking the thorns out of my heart.

Life after a relationship: I'm going through a really bad patch now. Got dumped, then 3 days later my mishap, near miss on my life and others. Standing on my two feet is unbearable. My other half was my life, I gave it whole-heartedly. But at the very end, was spat back, like a used rag. But as my last post before. I feel better now. I feel hope. Maybe it's the rise after the fall? Or is it the fall before the rise? But anyway, I always remember what Russell Crowe once quoted "Courage is about raising from failure". So courage, be with me.

Lastly, I truly apologise to my now-'ex' if I have shared too much info or have given a different picture or perspecitive from what happened. But I am only merely describing how I felt after you let me go. I wish you have a good life. Sorry, I was a burden throughout our relationship. You did what you think was right for you. Even it wasn't right for and to me.

And apologies to my readers for such a soapy and sad post, it had to be done... No more post like this... Until then, adios amigos and amigas


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