
pes·si·mist [pes-uh-mist]
  1. a person who habitually sees or anticipates the worst or is disposed to be gloomy.
  2. an adherent of the doctrine of pessimism
I hate pessimists. The worse thing about pessimists is that I am one too. What is even more worst is that I am easily persuaded by another pessimist to be a pessimist. All it take is a little sarcastic remark or some comment of pessimism. I'd be off my seat and agreeing to the worst situation imaginable to mind.
Keeping a positive outlook is not by nature to me. But I do have an outlook to be positive. And I always make a concious realisation to be always positive. Even when things look pitch black. My car pool mate, is a very positive guy. Almost everytime he beacons a glowing positive aura and it is really rubbing on me. I feel good. I feel great. "Come what may, I'll have my (positive) ways."
To stay positive is to stay rational and logical. It may be difficult to exclude the emotions behind the issues we are all having, purely because we're human. And we are not wrong to get our emotions running when we have issues and problems. But letting it overtake your logical and rational thinking... That leads to disaster. I think there should be a beautiful balance between the two. (Just realised I have sidetracked a little)
So as I was saying. The pessimist of me should just go back to where it belongs, where the sun don't shine. No remarks made can reduce my chances of hope and perseverence. (Am I making any sense here?) Positive outlook all the time, everytime...
Till then, adios amigos and amigas...


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