Full of One's Self
Do you have a friend who is full of themself?

What I mean, is when you're about to tell them of your problems, and instead you're the one giving advice to their problems instead. Somehow the conversation is about them, than you?
No, not that I had an encounter like that, but I heard (as a third party) of a guy pouring his heart out to his friend, but instead of his friend giving him advice, he was also pouring out his gut out and in turn the conversation is about him instead. I can hear from the tone of this guy that he's sighing beneath his words. It was funny, but it wouldn't be if I was in his shoes.
For me, at the moment, I have few problems, some of my own and some work-related ones. My own problems, I don't think I'll discussed it here, as it is my own doing. I need to control my thoughts and emotions to myself, because it's screwing me real bad. But, I am sure that I will be fine. I shall be fine, and I must be fine.
As for work-related, some of my crew is staying on the vessels, two of them at Lewek Conqueror and one staying at Armada Iman. They are unhappy with the arrangements. And as a 'boss' to them, I feel like I've failed them somehow, on top of that, today's meeting at 5p.m. I was told that half of my crew will have to stay onboard another vessel, the Armada Salman. I told the operators that we would rather have our crew daily tripping. I learnt from one of my colleagues that, his crew was kicked out to a vessel recently and had to come and leave everyday via GP (General Purpose) boat as their transport. They stayed here for the first few months and then when they were 'kicked' out, they felt like they were refugees. And their morale was slowly disintegrating. Even now, my crew was upset that they had to stay onboard vessels. Seriously, they said, they would rather go home.
I took a picture of my room about two months ago, and it is actually the first picture I took with my SLR camera offshore. Just to give you how my room looks like...

Our bunk beds... Hardly spacious. The chair is tied up to the ladder, we had an incident recently where someone was hurt and had laceration on his forehead and had to be given stitches, the design of the ladder itself was dangerous. They have plans to change the ladders, and it is on going at the moment. The chair is just a temporary measure. Notice that the ladder is wrapped with newspaper. This is because the metal is quite cold and hurts your feet when you climb into the top bunk. I stay on top of the bunk. My supervisor sleeps on the lower bunk... On top of the picture, you see a drip pan, that's because there are times that the air conditioning have condensation water forming at the outlet, the drip pan is to catch the condensed water.

The office. Yes, it's in our room. We have to make do with what we have. The offshore guys don't have any extra office space for us to work so, we had to convert our room into an office by day, and bedroom from 9 p.m onwards. The office closes at midday after lunch for an hour. That's to give way for me and my supervisor an hour for siesta.. (that's power nap for us LOL)

This is how it looks like outside our room. Notice there's a bag on the door, that's the laundry bag, any laundry that needs cleaning, we just leave them beside the door, and in less than 6 hours, voilà, your laundry will be clean. Clean laundry will be place in a bag and hooked to the knob of the door.
Yesterday I ran 70 minutes for the ten kilometers. I did some weights for half hour and called it a night. Today, I didn't run. I'm not feeling so well at the moment. I didn't wake up today until 2 p.m because I had a temperature. I am fine now. I think. Oh well, medication is always at hand. Until then, take care, be safe and Adios!