Miss Me?

I have not been updating my blog for quite a while.  I've been missing from updating due to two main reason.  Being the first reason, e-speed sucks!  I thought it was just the connection here offshore.  But nope, it seems that everybody is having the same problem.  I'm not quite sure why this is, as I have not updated myself with the media of TelBru's excuses.

Secondly, I was daily tripping back onshore and offshore everyday for the past two days.  And made  the full use of my time onshore.  I had a great time.  It was actually planned for us to go daily tripping for four days, but after some negotiations, we were given priority as we are a productive part of the crew here.  So with that justification our beds were given back by the offshore operator's boss.

The first daily tripping came out expected though I didn't know it was that soon, I had 45 minutes to sent myself and six other of my crew to send home on daily tripping and pack at the same time.  So last Wednesday afternoon, I rushed to pack my things, and so the other six guys in my team, packing like mad.  I made a quick call to my 'brother' asking him to pick me up at 4.30p.m. at Anduki Airport.  And before we knew it by about 5 p.m. we were already onshore.

I sent my 'brother' Sulaiman back to his home but making a quick stop at a shop to buy my facial toner.  Then, I went home to my housemate's surprise.  I told them what happened and not long after that, they were going to have dinner with Redz.  So I told them not to tell Redz as I want to surprise him.  Surprised indeed, he was.  He wasn't quite sure it was me, because I was the last person he'd expect to show up.  I only stayed for a minute or two to ask my car keys and ATM for him, I had errands to run.  The first thing I did was to buy a mobile phone.

I was eyeing on the new Samsung Omnia, the best pocket PC mobile at the current moment.  But if I was to buy at QQeStore, it will be unlikely for me to get it that night or the next night or the night after that...  Most likely there will be a week or two or three or four weeks waiting until I got the phone or perhaps in the end my order will get cancelled because they don't have suppliers.  And that's coming out from a man who had this experience.  It can be frustrating despite the cheap price.  Even so, cheap price with frustration, no thank you very much.  So I went direct to DeeJay to see if there's Omnia, but they don't have it.  So my next option is SonyEricsson, I love SEs.  Nokia is not that bad, but (looks left and right), they're quite common and they price drop from the moment you buy to the next month is high.  So no thank you Nokia.  SE do suffers from the price drop, but not that much.  Okay perhaps a bit the same as Nokia, but...  they're not as common as Nokia (at least).

So after a lot of thinking and deciding, I went for the SE C902.  Wonderful gadget.  It's a  Sony cybershot camera plus phone.  3.5 G and great display on it.  I love it.  and best of all, unlike most Windows Mobile Phone operated phones, this one has real keypads.  I miss keypads!

Then I remembered something, and this is based on impulse.  I went across to The Mall, and bought myself two pair of earrings and a bling-bling ring at Mercier's.  It was a relatively cheap purchase and I love it.

Then I joined Redz and my house mates for dinner.  We all retired back to our homes at about 11p.m.  I made a quick stop at the petrol station before coming home.  When I reached home, my housemates were not there yet.  But that was not what I was surprised about.  There was a black out.  I suppose it was because of the violent storm that night that hit the capital.  There was a quick mini flash flood when I went to pick my ATM card from Redz.  It got me quite worried.  The electricity came back at 2 a.m.  To my relieve, but at 5 a.m I was already up and started my journey back to KB.  I was on daily tripping right?  Or have you forgotten?

I arrived late but still able to catch my flight offshore, there was a long queue of cars because there was a landslide at Tunggulian area.  So by quarter past eight, I was already on the chopper heading offshore...  

So I will leave it to that.  I'll post more later, my finger's a little tired now...

Until then, take care, be safe and Adios!


_Nicky_ said…
i just got my omnia from qqestore and they have many stocks now i saw! some they ada stocks some they dont. So whaz i do is email or call them up to ask if got stk b4 i tried other shops. I luv pointz and not to mention after sales sevicez which qq rulez!!
Anonymous said…
Well, I know QQeStore pretty well too, and knowing them, it's not really a 24 hours store, if you buy the mobile at night, you won't get it that night, you'd have to wait till the next day when their office opens.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the Samsung Omnia, and QQeStore, and their staff, in fact I get along with the Kiulap staff very very well, but I've been disappointed so many times with QQeStore. And yes, I agree their after sales is the bestest in Brunei so far, unlike other stores, that treat you like sh!t, when it comes to after service.

This is not my way to give them a bad name. In all seriousness, QQeStore is the best. The down side of it is, their price fall overnight as they adjust to the promise of lower prices than other stores, they are not well stocked for items such as lenses and mostly Windows Mobile Phones, and they had a very long waiting list, to just confirm your order. Believe me, I have been really patient with them and yet I find myself still being loyal and buying from them.

But due to my logistical limitations, I had to dismiss the QQeStore option. Besides, I love my new SE C902.

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