Running & Weights

Yesterday, I ran 10 kms, I ran in 9 km/h speed which really tiring.  But I think it is time to up my stamina, and getting myself used to a faster speed.  Well, at the end of it, I was huffing and puffing, because I was also trying to hit my HIIT by running to 12 km/h for a minute, I tell you, it is not easy...  the 10 kms took me 69 minutes.  Some improvement but not good enough by my standard. 

After that, feeling a little high from the endorphin, and by this time, I was almost alone, another guy was resting after an hour of weight training on the machine.  So I gave the try to use the machine.  First, the shoulder, it was easy, I used a lighter weight because obviously I wouldn't be able to do the heavier ones.  But I did a high rep per set, 25 rep per set, and I did 4 set, it was easy.  Then the leg extensions, I did a heavy set, did 3 sets of that, then I used the abs machine, changed to a lower set, and I could feel the abs under my heavy layer of fat contracting.  Owch.  

Then I tried the rest of my machine, and every time I tried a rep, my abs contract and OWCH!  So I stopped, when I was just seating, I saw a barbell with 15 kgs on it.  So I made 2 sets of squats of 20 rep each.  Owch, but bearable.  

It was quite a fun workout, I must admit, for once I enjoyed doing weights.  I don't do weights, every time I tried to, I got bored with it.  I suppose having in control of the music system at the gym helps.  I think I'd do some weights every now and again, but using my iPod for company.  Then again, yesterday was the first time I ran without my iPod.  My very-expensive-that-cost-more-than-my-iPod Shure headphones is 'broken'.  It does produce the music but the sound of the artist seems to be trapped in some echoey cave and can only be heard from a distance.  I am trying to get myself some new headphones.  Shure headphones costs a bomb.  But believe me... It sounds so good inside your ears.  The music sounds so crisp and delicious, even on a low quality mp3 file.  So I am eyeing on a US$399 worth headphones.  I've read the reviews and the price speaks for the quality it delivers.  So should I part myself with that amount of money for headphones.  Any comments?  There are cheaper Shure headphones.  But I'm greedy, you see.. LOL... I'd have to digest my budget with that.  

Today, I woke up pretty early and had some coffee, when I came back to my bed, my Senior Inspector invited me for a site visit to look at the Slugcatcher on one of the platforms.  He wants to do some rust descaling and later decided with the other inspectors if it requires any repair or not.  Then I decided to go to our barge, the Lewek Conqueror.  It was nice to see some familiar faces.  Val, Lulu, Kassim and Martin, these are the people that I've worked with before earlier in the year.  I had a great time back then.  So anyway, I've got my 5 p.m. meeting to go to...  Until then, Take care, be safe and Adios peeps!


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