Offshore Cafe

Sorry for the lack of updates, because I was tired the day before and Tuesday night I had a 'hang out'.  It's been a while since I hung out.  

I got to know a guy from gym, he's part of the catering team here.  A really cool guy, from Sibu, his name is Edwin.  Very funny guy, and quite pleasing to be with.  All my time in here, the only person I am seriously close are my roommate, Meling, my MatCo, Idi and the Senior Inspector, Saleh.  Other than that, few trainees, but they come and go, joining their respective crew.  

So on Tuesday night, after gym, Edwin and I were the last to use the gym and we were talking about my run and other exercise routines.  I usually sit on a trolley in the middle of the bridge, to change my shoes to sandals and enjoying the calm view of the sea in the background of a brightly lit flare. The calm winds cooling me down after my workout and feeling the serenity it brings to my soul.  But that night, he sat together with me and we kept talking.  We laughed and exchanged jokes.  And for the first time, I really felt that I have a friend offshore.  A guy about my age, who I can joke and act foolishly around. 

We ended that night with a good night wish and went to our respective room.  The next day, we meet, and we talked about how fun it was the night before, and I told him, that on Wednesday night is my rest from workout night.  I suggested jokingly to him that we ought to have an outdoor cafe somewhere, perhaps we could smoke, although it is most unlikely, we're not allowed to do smoke outside, in the midst of hydrocarbon everywhere.  He told me that he'd make some 'teh tarik' and we'll enjoy them at the trolley where we hung out.  I told him it's a great idea...

So last night, before our hanging out session, I decided to take some night photographs at the rooftop, but it didn't turn out good, because I am without a tripod.  He found me taking photos and he told me that we'd have 'teh tarik' on the rooftop instead.  I agreed and about half an hour he came by with the drinks.  We talked about a lot of stuff, you know, things you would share to a stranger who you wanted to be friends with.  Some personal stuff, things we had endure in our lives, relationships, family and what-not.  We almost spent two hours just laughing around and sharing stories.  After laughing all night, we were thirsty again and had already finished our drinks, so we went down to the mess room to grab some drinks.  The snooker table was vacant...  So we had our way with it, and played a round of snooker.  We're both bad at it, so it was all fun and laughter...  It was a long game, because neither of us is a pro to hit the balls into the table pockets...

After that, I came back to my room and had quite a restful sleep.  Tonight, it was gym as usual, he was there early, we're gym freaks, I suppose, but not losing any weight, thanks to our night 'teh tarik' and eating galore throughout the day.  And today was my fastest ever run so far on the treadmill, 10.3kms in 71 minutes.  And the run was easy peasy lemon squeezy, the sound reasoning behind this, is that I had lunch.  So from now on, I won't be missing lunch break.  My iPod died on me, I forgot to recharge them, so I had to run with gym background music which had versions of the likes of Metallica and Linkin Park in dangdut version, it was hilarious.

I also burnt the least calories tonight, it was 1108kcal and 25% from fat.  I was surprise, fast and low calories burnt.  I guess, I'm getting better at my run.  Time to push myself up a step.  He suggested we hung out at the rooftop again, and so we did, instead of sitting on the trolley at the bridge (We start to refer it as the Trolley ala Bridge Cafe and the rooftop as 'Atap' Cafe - translation Roof Cafe)...  But I had dinner reserved, so I told him that I can't be long, coincidentally he also had food reserved, so after shower, we ate, but not together, because he's catering stuff, and had better food that what I had, he has access to the kitchen and ate in there, that lucky bastard! LOL!  So anyway, I had a ciggy at the smoking room after dinner, whilst enjoying a cup of Sarsi syrup drink.

He peeked over the smoking room and made signs of playing snooker again.  So we played two games, one game with some assistance as coach, a Thai guy named Kamol.  He gave us few pointers but I still suck terribly.  I only managed to get a few into the pockets.  After that I remembered that I had forgotten my sandals in the gym, we said good night and stopped by the gym by myself and here I am on my bed writing this more-or-less useless information of my pathetic hang out life with just one guy. LOL...  Well, I feel much more at home, I'm looking for more friends here.  Most of my friends here are more of, colleague friends, not that I am without friends at all.  But Edwin is my first non-work related friend...  That doesn't make sense...  Oh well, until then readers, take care, be safe and Adios...


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